CCDC Weekly
ISSN 2096-7071 (Print)
ISSN 2097-3101 (Online)
CN 10-1629/R1
IF (2023): 4.3
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health
SCIE: Q1 (47/403)
SSCI: Q1 (47/403)

CCDC Weekly Weekly Reports: Past Volume (3)
2021-12-31 / No. 53
- Vital Surveillances: Molecular Epidemiological Characteristics of Gastroenteritis Outbreaks Caused by Norovirus GII.4 Sydney [P31] Strains — China, October 2016–December 2020
- Vital Surveillances: Changing Proportions of HIV-1 Subtypes and Transmitted Drug Resistance Among Newly Diagnosed HIV/AIDS Individuals — China, 2015 and 2018
- Preplanned Studies: Awareness Towards Rabies and Exposure Rate and Treatment of Dog-Bite Injuries Among Rural Residents — Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, 2021
- Notes from the Field: A Total of 2,657 Reported Cases and 14 Deaths Due to Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome — Shaanxi Province, China, January 1–December 19, 2021
- Notes from the Field: A Death Due to Neurobrucellosis — Linfen City, Shanxi Province, China, May 2021
2021-12-24 / No. 52
- Recommendations: Childhood Immunization Schedule for National Immunization Program Vaccines — China (Version 2021)
- Outbreak Reports: Human Plague Case Diagnosed in Ningxia Tracked to Animal Reservoirs — Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, 2021
- Preplanned Studies: Incidence Tendency Analysis on Type 2 Diabetes in 4 Asian Countries — China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, 1990–2019
- Methods and Applications: The Incidence of Lymphoma in Beijing: Comparing Results from MIS-CASS (2019) and Beijing Cancer Registry (2017)
2021-12-17 / No. 51PARASITIC DISEASES ISSUE (3)
- Preplanned Studies: Epidemiological and Clinical Features of Patients with Scrub Typhus — Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, 2012–2018
- Preplanned Studies: Epidemiological Characteristics of Echinococcosis in Non-Endemic PLADs — China, 2017–2020
- Preplanned Studies: Rapid Assessment on Potential Risks of Schistosomiasis Transmission — 7 PLADs, China, 2019 and 2021
- Preplanned Studies: Reappearance of Risk of Schistosomiasis Transmission and the Response After 27 Years of Interrupted Transmission — Guangdong Province, China, 2019
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, October, 2021
2021-12-10 / No. 50COVID-19 ISSUE (21)
- Perspectives: On Coexistence with COVID-19: Estimations and Perspectives
- Perspectives: Papua New Guinea Under the COVID-19 Pandemic and Public Health Support from the World Health Organization
- Outbreak Reports: Exploring the Bridge Cases’ Role in the Transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant — Ruili City, Yunnan Province, China, July–September 2021
- Methods and Applications: Feasibility of Booster Vaccination in High-Risk Populations for Controlling Coronavirus Variants — China, 2021
- Notes from the Field: Whole-Genome Sequences Analysis Displays Relationship of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Between Four Local Cases and Passengers of a Flight from South Africa — Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China, June 2021
2021-12-03 / No. 49INFLUENZA ISSUE
- Editorial: China CDC Weekly’s Second Meeting of the Editorial Board, Advisory Committee, and Editorial Office to Celebrate the Second Anniversary of the Inaugural Issue
- Methods and Applications: The Incoming Influenza Season — China, the United Kingdom, and the United States, 2021–2022
- Perspectives: Quo Vadis Influenza?
- Perspectives: GISAID’s Role in Pandemic Response
- Perspectives: A Tale of Two Cities: From Influenza HxNy to SARS-CoV-z
2021-11-26 / No. 48WORLD AIDS DAY ISSUE
- Preplanned Studies: Spatial Analysis of HIV/AIDS Cases Among Out-of-School Youth Aged 15–24 Years — China, 2010–2020
- Vital Surveillances: Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV — China, 2011–2020
- Review: Research Progress in the Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in China
- Recollections: HIV Prevention and Health Poverty Alleviation — Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China, 2017–2020
- Foreword: World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2021 — Spread Awareness, Stop Resistance
- Preplanned Studies: Genomic Insight into the Antimicrobial Resistance of Streptococcus Suis — Six Countries, 2011–2019
- Preplanned Studies: Prevalence of Escherichia coli and Antibiotic Resistance in Animal-Derived Food Samples — Six Districts, Beijing, China, 2020
- Vital Surveillances: Surveillance of Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial Infections in Non-Adult Patients — Zhejiang Province, China, 2014–2019
2021-11-12 / No. 46COVID-19 ISSUE (20)
- Methods and Applications: Machine Learning Approach Effectively Predicts Binding Between SARS-CoV-2 Spike and ACE2 Across Mammalian Species — Worldwide, 2021
- Methods and Applications: Field Validation of a Rapid Recombinase Aided Amplification Assay for SARS-CoV-2 RNA at Customs — Zhejiang Province, China, January 2021
- Review: Epidemiology Features and Effectiveness of Vaccination and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions of Delta and Lambda SARS-CoV-2 Variants
- Notes from the Field: Two Cases of COVID-19 with Persistently Positive SARS-CoV-2-Specific IgM During One-Year Follow-Up — Sichuan Province, China, February 2021
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, September, 2021
- Foreword: Acute Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health in China: Evidence and Prospects
- Preplanned Studies: Exposure Response Relationship of Acute Effects of Air Pollution on Respiratory Diseases — China, 2013−2018
- Preplanned Studies: Impacts of PM2.5 on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Indicators Attenuated by Blood Pressure Control Status and Treatment — Two Cities and Two Municipalities, China, 2017−2019
- Preplanned Studies: Acute Effects of Personal Ozone Exposure on Biomarkers of Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Mitochondrial Oxidative Damage — Shanghai Municipality, China, May–October 2016
- Preplanned Studies: Co-Exposure to Multiple Pollutants and Its Cardiovascular Effects in a Subway System — Beijing Municipality, China, 2017
- Preplanned Studies: Temperature-Modified Acute Effects of Ozone on Human Mortality — Beijing Municipality, Tianjin Municipality, Hebei Province, and Surrounding Areas, China, 2013–2018
2021-10-29 / No. 44WORLD FLU DAY ISSUE
- Editorial: Let’s Get Vaccinated for Both Flu and COVID-19: On the World Flu Day 2021
- Vital Surveillances: Epidemiological and Virological Surveillance of Seasonal Influenza Viruses — China, 2020–2021
- Outbreak Reports: Genetic Characterization of Two Human Cases Infected with the Avian Influenza A (H5N6) Viruses — Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, 2021
- Review: Epidemiological and Genetic Characteristics of the H3 Subtype Avian Influenza Viruses in China
- Review: Leveraging Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System for the COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Beyond
2021-10-22 / No. 43
- Preplanned Studies: The Distribution and Concentration Monitoring of Benzene Industries — Six PLADs, China, 2020
- Preplanned Studies: Occupational Dust Hazards and Risk Assessment of Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plants of Different Capacities — China, 2017–2019
- Vital Surveillances: Surveillance of Noise Exposure Level in the Manufacturing Industry — China, 2020
- Perspectives: Senior Research Scholars in China CDC’s National Immunization Program
2021-10-15 / No. 42
- Preplanned Studies: Status and Correlates of Hypersomnia in Hospitalized Patients with Unipolar Depression — Beijing, Henan, and Shandong, China, August 2019–March 2021
- Preplanned Studies: Assessing Impacting Factors of Dog Owners’ Adoption of Dog Vaccination Against Rabies: A Cross-sectional Survey in Rural Areas — Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, 2021
- Vital Surveillances: Characteristics of Settings and Etiologic Agents of Foodborne Disease Outbreaks — China, 2020
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, August, 2021
2021-10-08 / No. 41COVID-19 ISSUE (19)
- Perspectives: COVID-19 Expands Its Territories from Humans to Animals
- Perspectives: Targeted Prevention and Control of Key Links in Airports to Mitigate Public Health Risks
- Outbreak Reports: Eleven COVID-19 Outbreaks with Local Transmissions Caused by the Imported SARS-CoV-2 Delta VOC — China, July–August, 2021
- Methods and Applications: Braking Force Model on Virus Transmission to Evaluate Interventions Including the Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines — Worldwide, 2019–2021
- Foreword: Building, Integrating, and Sharing Our Aging Society: Improving Older Adults’ Health Together
- Preplanned Studies: Fall Injuries and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults and the Mediating Effects of Social Participation — China, 2011–2018
- Preplanned Studies: Longitudinal Association Between Oral Status and Depressive Symptoms Among Chinese Older Adults — China, 2014–2018
- Perspectives: Situation, Challenges, and Countermeasures of Home-Based Healthcare Service Supply and Demand in China
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, July, 2021
2021-09-24 / No. 39WORLD RABIES DAY ISSUE
- Foreword: Accelerate the Progress Towards Elimination of Dog-Mediated Rabies in China
- Vital Surveillances: Epidemiology of Animal Rabies — China, 2010–2020
- Vital Surveillances: Epidemic Characteristics of Human Rabies — China, 2016–2020
- Preplanned Studies: Epidemiological Study of Outpatients in Rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Clinics — Tianjin Municipality, China, 2020
- Commentary: Progress in the Development of Animal Rabies Vaccines in China
- Commentary: Progress and Prospects of Dog-Mediated Rabies Elimination in China
2021-09-17 / No. 38
- Preplanned Studies: Outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Disease Associated with Human Adenovirus Infection in Closed Camps, China, December 2011–March 2014
- Preplanned Studies: Malaria Surveillance of Entry People During the COVID-19 Epidemic — Guangdong Province, China, October 2020–May 2021
- Preplanned Studies: Identifying the Key Nodes of HIV Molecular Transmission Network Among Men Who Have Sex with Men — Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, 2015–2017
- Notes from the Field: Two Confirmed Patients of Anthrax — Binzhou City, Shandong Province, China, August 2021
- Notes from the Field: HIV-2 Seroepidemiological Evidence in Hunan Province — China, 2003–2020
- Foreword: Prevention and Control of Birth Defects in China: Achievements and Challenges
- Preplanned Studies: Orofacial Clefts in High Prevalence Area of Birth Defects — Five Counties, Shanxi Province, China, 2000–2020
- Preplanned Studies: Passive Smoking During the Periconceptional Period and Risk for Neural Tube Defects in Offspring — Five Counties, Shanxi Province, China, 2010–2016
- Preplanned Studies: Rate of Correct Use of Folic Acid Supplementation Among Pregnant Women — Beijing Municipality, China, 2017–2019
- Vital Surveillances: Incidence of Macrosomia in Rural Areas — Henan Province, China, 2013–2017
2021-09-03 / No. 36
- Outbreak Reports: Five Independent Cases of Human Infection with Avian Influenza H5N6 — Sichuan Province, China, 2021
- Preplanned Studies: Gender Differences in Familial Status, Socioeconomics, Functional Capacities and Wellbeing Among Oldest-Old Aged 80 Years and Above — China, 1998–2018
- Methods and Applications: The Establishment and Application of Mobile Electronic Surveillance System for Infectious Diseases with the Help of China — Sierra Leone, 2016-Present
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, June, 2021
2021-08-27 / No. 35PARASITIC DISEASE ISSUE (2)
- Preplanned Studies: Assessment on the Diagnostic Capacity for Parasitic Diseases of Health Facilities — China, 2019
- Preplanned Studies: Modelling the Ecological Suitability of the Chagas Disease Vector Triatoma rubrofasciata — China
- Preplanned Studies: Surveillance of Malaria Vectors — 18 Sites, 12 PLADs, China, 2018–2020
- Commentary: Diversity, Geography, and Host Range of Emerging Mosquito-Associated Viruses — China, 2010–2020
2021-08-20 / No. 34COVID-19 ISSUE (18)
- Preplanned Studies: Field Simulation of Aerosol Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a Special Building Layout — Guangdong Province, China, 2021
- Methods and Applications: Modelling the Emerging COVID-19 Epidemic and Estimating Intervention Effectiveness — Taiwan, China, 2021
- Methods and Applications: Vaccination Vehicles for COVID-19 Immunization — China, 2021
- Notes from the Field: The First Case of COVID-19 by an A.27 Lineage Variant Detected in a Returning Employee — Sichuan Province, China, January 7, 2021
- Commentary: Guangdong’s Study of the Effectiveness of China’s Inactivated Vaccines Against the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant
2021-08-13 / No. 33
- Preplanned Studies: Incidence of Eczema in Early Infancy and the Prenatal Risk Factors — Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, 2018–2019
- Preplanned Studies: Projection of Temperature-Related Excess Mortality by Integrating Population Adaptability Under Changing Climate — China, 2050s and 2080s
- Outbreak Reports: Norovirus Detection in Environmental Samples from Norovirus Outbreaks in Schools and Kindergartens — Beijing Municipality, China, October–December 2020
- Policy Notes: First Technical Specifications for Health Risk Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution in China
2021-08-06 / No. 32COVID-19 ISSUE (17)
- Preplanned Studies: Changes in Public Perception and Behaviors under Compound Heatwave in COVID-19 Epidemic — Beijing, China, 2020
- Outbreak Reports: A COVID-19 Outbreak Emerging in a Food Processing Company — Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China, January–February 2021
- Notes from Field: An Immunocompetent Patient with High Neutralizing Antibody Titers Who Shed COVID-19 Virus for 169 days — China, 2020
- Commentary (Commemoration): In Memory of Professor Hans Dieter Klenk
2021-07-30 / No. 31
- Preplanned Studies: Cooking Oil and Salt Intakes Among Children Aged 6−17 Years — China, 2016−2017
- Preplanned Studies: Trends of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in a High Prevalence Region of Birth Defects — Shanxi Province, China, 2007–2019
- Perspectives: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of Eliminating Preventable Newborn Deaths — China in Action
- Methods and Applications: Statistical Analysis of Articles Published in China CDC Weekly — Worldwide, 2019–2020
2021-07-23 / No. 30COVID-19 ISSUE (16)
- Outbreak Reports: Long Distance Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from Contaminated Cold Chain Products to Humans — Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China, September 2020
- Preplanned Studies: Belief in Science and Attitudes Toward COVID-19: A Demographic Standardization Approach to China–US Comparison, 2020
- Notes from the Field: An Imported Confirmed Case of COVID-19 Vaccinated in Brazil — Shanghai Municipality, China, March 17, 2021
- Notes from the Field: Detection of Variants of B.1.617 Lineage from Five Returning Chinese Nationals at a Guangxi-Vietnam Border Port — Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, April 2021
2021-07-16 / No. 29
- Preplanned Studies: Prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistant of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Isolated from Diarrheal Patients — Six PLADs, China, 2016−2020
- Preplanned Studies: Weather Variability, Socioeconomic Factors, and Pneumonia in Children Under Five-Years Old — Bangladesh, 2012−2016
- Preplanned Studies: Monitoring the Effective Sterilization of Low-Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Plasma Sterilizers in 58 Hospitals — 22 PLADs, China, June 2015–December 2019
- Vital Surveillances: Dietary Exposure to Fumonisins and Health Risk Assessment in the Sixth China Total Diet Study — China, 2015–2020
- Notes from the Field: First Human Infection Case of Monkey B Virus Identified in China, 2021
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, May, 2021
- Foreword: The Uncertainties of Population Research: Challenges and Opportunities
- Preplanned Studies: Trends and Challenges for Population and Health During Population Aging — China, 2015–2050
- Preplanned Studies: Trend and Factors of Population Fertility Changes From the Perspective of Economics and Education — China, 1949–2020
- Commentary: Major Trends in Population Growth Around the World
2021-07-02 / No. 27COVID-19 ISSUE (15)
- Preplanned Studies: Perception of the COVID-19 Epidemic and Acceptance of Vaccination Among Healthcare Workers Prior to Vaccine Licensure — Beijing Municipality, China, May–July 2020
- Preplanned Studies: Integrated Approaches for COVID-19 Case Finding and Their Impact on Timeliness for Disease Containment — Changning District, Shanghai Municipality, China, January–July, 2020
- Perspectives: Progress of Active Surveillance for Vaccine Safety in China
- Notes from the Field: Transmission Dynamics of an Outbreak of the COVID-19 Delta Variant B.1.617.2 — Guangdong Province, China, May–June 2021
- Notes from the Field: Genome Characterization of the First Outbreak of COVID-19 Delta Variant B.1.617.2 — Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, May 2021
2021-06-25 / No. 26TUBERCULOSIS ISSUE
- Preplanned Studies: Epidemiological Characteristics of Rifampicin-Resistant Tuberculosis in Students — China, 2015–2019
- Preplanned Studies: The Impact of COVID-19 on Tuberculosis Patients’ Behavior of Seeking Medical Care — China, 2020
- Vital Surveillances: The Epidemiological Characteristics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis — Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, 2011–2020
- Outbreak Reports: A Tuberculosis Outbreak During the COVID-19 Pandemic — Hubei Province, China, 2020
- Healthy China: Practical Experiences of Delivering Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Comprehensive Supportive Care Services in China
2021-06-18 / No. 25COVID-19 ISSUE (14)
- Policy Notes: Interpretation of the Protocol for Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in China (Edition 8)
- Preplanned Studies: Willingness of the General Public to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine During a Second-Level Alert — Beijing Municipality, China, May 2020
- Perspectives: Caution About Truncation-By-Death in Clinical Trial Statistical Analysis: A Lesson from Remdesivir
- Notes from the Field: Genome Characterization of COVID-19 Lineage B.1.1.7 Detected in the First Six Patients of a Cluster Outbreak — Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China, May 2021
- Notes from the Field: Three Cases of COVID-19 Variant Delta With and Without Vaccination — Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, April–May, 2021
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, April, 2021
- Foreword: Food Safety Strategies: The One Health Approach to Global Challenges and China’s Actions
- Preplanned Studies: Prevalence of Salmonella and Antimicrobial Resistance in Isolates from Food Animals — Six PLADs, China, 2019
- Vital Surveillances: Mushroom Poisoning Outbreaks — China, 2010–2020
- Commentary: Upgrading from One-way Informing to Two-way Audience-oriented Health Communication: CFSA Initiations for World Food Safety Day
- Foreword: Climate Change, Weather Conditions, and Population Health
- Preplanned Studies: Association Between Ambient Temperature and Years of Life Lost from Stroke — 30 PLADs, China, 2013–2016
- Preplanned Studies: Assessment of Regional Health Vulnerability to Extreme Heat — China, 2019
- Preplanned Studies: The Impact of a Health Forecasting Service on the Visits and Costs in Outpatient and Emergency Departments for COPD Patients — Shanghai Municipality, China, October 2019–April 2020
- Preplanned Studies: A Modelling Study on PM2.5-Related Health Impacts from Climate Change and Air Pollution Emission Control — China, 2010s and 2040s
2021-05-28 / No. 22
- Commentary: Achieving the Goals of Healthy China 2030 Depends on Increasing Smoking Cessation in China: Comparative Findings from the ITC Project in China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea
- Preplanned Studies: Restoration of Population Disability Trajectory During Hundreds of Years — China, 1896–2006
- Preplanned Studies: Burden of Skin Disease — China, 1990−2019
- Preplanned Studies: Incidence and Risk Factors of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy — 8 Provinces, China, 2014–2018
2021-05-21 / No. 21COVID-19 ISSUE (13)
- Outbreak Reports: COVID-19 Outbreak Caused by Contaminated Packaging of Imported Cold-Chain Products — Liaoning Province, China, July 2020
- Methods and Applications: Development of a PDRA Method for Detection of the D614G Mutation in COVID-19 Virus — Worldwide, 2021
- Notes from the Field: The First Reported Case of COVID-19 and Plasmodium ovale Malaria Coinfection — Guangdong Province, China, January 2021
- Notes from the Field: Two Imported Cases of New Variant COVID-19 First Emerging from Brazil — Guangdong Province, China, April 30, 2021
- Recommendations: Technical Vaccination Recommendations for COVID-19 Vaccines in China (First Edition)
2021-05-14 / No. 20
- Methods and Applications: Trend Analysis and Intervention Effect Starting Point Detection of COVID-19 Epidemics Using Recalibrated Time Series Models — Worldwide, 2020
- Methods and Applications: A Longitudinal Cohort Study Using a Modified Child-Pugh Score to Escalate Respiratory Support in COVID-19 Patients — Hubei Province, China, 2020
- Outbreak Reports: Investigation of Brucellosis Caused by Raw Goat Milk — Fujian Province, China, April–June, 2019
- Healthy China: Creating Healthy Enterprises: the Workplace Health Action Plan in China
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, March, 2021
- Commentary (Obituary): Chengshi Shan (1929−2021) A Pioneer in Public Health in China
2021-05-07 / No. 19COVID-19 ISSUE (12)
- Outbreak Reports: Mild Breakthrough Infection in a Healthcare Professional Working in the Isolation Area of a Hospital Designated for Treating COVID-19 Patients — Shaanxi Province, China, March, 2021
- Outbreak Reports: A COVID-19 Outbreak — Nangong City, Hebei Province, China, January 2021
- Outbreak Reports: Index and First-Generation Cases in a COVID-19 Outbreak — Jilin Province, China, 2021
- Notes from the Field: Emerging Variants of B.1.617 Lineage Identified Among Returning Chinese Employees Working in India — Chongqing Municipality, China, April 2021
- Notes from the Field: Two Imported Cases of New Variant COVID-19 First Emerging in Nigeria — Guangdong Province, China, March 12, 2021
- Profiles: Xiaoping Dong, China CDC’s Chief Expert of Virology
- Foreword: Occupational Noise Exposure and Worker’s Health in China
- Preplanned Studies: The Role of the Kurtosis Metric in Evaluating the Risk of Occupational Hearing Loss Associated with Complex Noise — Zhejiang Province, China, 2010−2019
- Preplanned Studies: Epidemiological Data of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders — China, 2018–2020
- Perspectives: Application of the Kurtosis Metric to the Assessment of Hearing Loss Associated with Occupational Noise Exposure
- Profiles: Chengye Sun, China CDC’s Chief Expert of Poison Control
- Preplanned Studies: A Case Study on the Disease Burden and Influencing Factors of Imported Malaria Patients in a County-Level Hospital — Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, 2016–2019
- Preplanned Studies: Challenges of Sustaining Malaria Community Case Management in 81 Township Hospitals along the China-Myanmar Border Region — Yunnan Province, China, 2020
- Vital Surveillances: Malaria Deaths — China, 2011–2020
- Vital Surveillances: Antimalarial Drug Resistance Surveillance in China, 2016–2020
- Commentary: Time to Integrate Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases Control and Elimination
2021-04-16 / No. 16
- Preplanned Studies: Immunogenicity of 23-Valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease — Hebei Province, China, September−December, 2019
- Preplanned Studies: Epidemiological Characteristics of Osteoarthritis in Yichang City — Hubei Province, China, 2017–2018
- Vital Surveillances: The Trend and Cause of Mortality Burden in Infancy — China, 1990–2019
- Healthy China: Interpretation of Healthy Diet Campaign in Healthy China Initiative 2019–2030
2021-04-09 / No. 15
- Preplanned Studies: Effect of Earlier Vaccination and a Two-Dose Varicella Vaccine Schedule on Varicella Incidence — Beijing Municipality, 2007–2018
- Preplanned Studies: Spatial Analysis of People Living with HIV/AIDS Transmitted Through Commercial Heterosexual Contact or Non-Marital Non-Commercial Heterosexual Contact — China, 2018
- Preplanned Studies: Effect of Heart Rate on Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Hypertensive Patients with Different Ages and Genders
- Vital Surveillances: Cardiovascular Disease Mortality — China, 2019
- Recollections: Development and Impacts of the Sierra Leone-China Laboratory for Parasitic Diseases Testing and Surveillance
2021-04-02 / No. 14
- Preplanned Studies: Relationship Between Drug Resistance and Death in HIV-Infected Patients Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy — 7 PLADs, China, 2010−2019
- Outbreak Reports: A Poisoning Outbreak Caused by Millettia Pachycarpa — Chongqing Municipality, December 2020
- Outbreak Reports: Epidemiological Survey of First Human Brucellosis Outbreak Caused by the Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) — Guizhou Province, China, 2019
- Healthy China: Prevention and Control of Cardiac Arrest in Healthy China
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, February, 2021
2021-03-26 / No. 13
- Foreword: “If the world doesn’t share the vaccine, the virus will take on the world”
- Preplanned Studies: Breast Cancer Screening Rates Among Women Aged 20 Years and Above — China, 2015
- Preplanned Studies: Health Facilities and Treatment Service Models of the National Tuberculosis Program — China, 2010−2020
- Preplanned Studies: Beverage Consumption of Children and Adolescents Aged 6−17 Years — China, 2016−2017
- Methods and Applications: Development of Cryogenic Disinfectants Using in –18 °C and –40 °C Environments — Worldwide, 2021
2021-03-19 / No. 12THE WORLD TB DAY ISSUE
- Foreword: Facing the Challenge of Tuberculosis: Towards “End TB in China by 2035”
- Preplanned Studies: National Proficiency Testing of Molecular Diagnostics for Tuberculosis and Drug Resistance Detection — China, 2014–2019
- Preplanned Studies: Implementation Performance of Tuberculosis Control in China: 2011–2020
- Commentary: Implementing New Approaches to Tuberculosis Control
- Commentary: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Elimination of Tuberculosis in China
2021-03-12 / No. 11NUTRITION AND HEALTH ISSUE (2)
- Preplanned Studies: Iron Status Among Children Aged 6−17 Years by Serum Ferritin — China, 2016−2017
- Preplanned Studies: Folic Acid Status and Associated Factors for Pregnant Chinese Women — China, 2015
- Preplanned Studies: Trends of Underweight Malnutrition Among Chinese Residents Aged 60 Years and Above — China, 1992−2015
- Preplanned Studies: Intake of Vitamin A, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Vitamin C, and Niacin Among Children Aged 6−11 Years Old — China, 2016−2017
2021-03-05 / No. 10COVID-19 ISSUE (11)
- Preplanned Studies: Clinical Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic Among the Uninfected Pregnant Women — 6 PLADs, China, 2019−2020
- Outbreak Reports: An Investigation of a Confirmed Imported Case of COVID-19 Infected Abroad — Qingpu District, Shanghai Municipality, China, November 15, 2020
- Outbreak Reports: COVID-19 Super Spreading Event Amongst Elderly Individuals — Jilin Province, China, January 2021
- Outbreak Reports: Local Outbreak of COVID-19 in Shunyi District Attributed to an Asymptomatic Carrier with a History of Stay in Indonesia — Beijing Municipality, China, December 23, 2020
- Notes from the Field: A Case of New Variant COVID-19 First Emerging in South Africa Detected in a Security Guard at the Isolation Point — Shenzhen, China, January 23, 2021
2021-02-26 / No. 9NUTRITION AND HEALTH ISSUE (1)
- Announcements: Tracking New Challenges of Nutrition Transition and Developing Specific Strategies to Promote Healthy China
- Preplanned Studies: Energy and Macronutrient Intake Among Children Aged 6−11 Years Old — China, 2016−2017
- Preplanned Studies: Weight Status and Self-Perception of Weight Among Women of Childbearing Age — China, 2015
- Preplanned Studies: Serum Vitamin A Nutritional Status of Children and Adolescents Aged 6−17 Years — China, 2016−2017
- Recollections: China Nutrition and Health Surveys (1982−2017)
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, January, 2021
2021-02-19 / No. 8COVID-19 ISSUE (10)
- Editorial: COVID-19: A Year Long and Beyond?
- Preplanned Studies: Mobility Trends and Effects on the COVID-19 Epidemic — Hong Kong, China
- Outbreak Reports: COVID-19 Cases Spread Through the K350 Train — Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces, China, January 2021
- Methods and Applications: Bibliometric Analysis on Utilization of New Information Technology in the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 — China, 2020
- Methods and Applications: Determining the Covertness of COVID-19 — Wuhan, China, 2020
- Notes from the Field: COVID-19 Case Likely Caused by Contaminated Object During Hotel Disinfection — Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, January 2021
- Notes from the Field: Four COVID-19 Cases of New Variant B.1.351 First Emerging in South Africa in Chinese Passengers on Same Flight — Shenzhen, China, January 2021
2021-02-12 / No. 7COVID-19 ISSUE (9)
- Commentary: COVID-19 — 2021: A New, Less Predictable Phase of the Pandemic
- Commentary: One Year in: Lessons from China’s Fight Against COVID-19
- Commentary: COVID-19 in 2021: A Call for Collaboration
- Commentary: Lessons from COVID-19 to Help Prevent Future Pandemics
- Commentary: COVID-19 in 2021: Sharing Responsibility Through Global Solidarity
- Commentary: The Great Coronavirus Pandemic of 2019−2021: the Future and the Requirement for China-America Cooperation
- Commentary: Countering COVID-19 in 2021 and Beyond: More Cooperation is Required Between the Governments of China and the USA
- Commentary: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Asymmetries and Challenges for the Future of Health
- Commentary: Global Perspectives: The COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020−2021 and Beyond
- Commentary: Towards Societies Living with COVID-19
- Commentary: A Return to BC19: From Virtual to Real International Travel — the Road is Long
- Commentary: Getting Ahead of the Virus
- Commentary: Vaccination Uncertainties and COVID-19 Prospects in 2021
- Commentary: Bats and Coronaviruses in the Context of COVID-19
2021-02-05 / No. 6BRUCELLOSIS ISSUE
- Preplanned Studies: Serological Prevalence Survey Among the High-Risk Populations of Brucellosis-Endemic Areas — China, 2019−2020
- Preplanned Studies: Brucellosis Knowledge and Personal Protective Equipment Usage Among High-Risk Populations in Brucellosis-Endemic Areas — China, 2019−2020
- Preplanned Studies: Evaluation of the Integrated Information System for Brucellosis Case Diagnosis and Management — Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, 2019
- Vital Surveillances: Epidemiological Characteristics of Human Brucellosis — China, 2016−2019
- Commentary: Human Brucellosis: An Ongoing Global Health Challenge
2021-01-29 / No. 5PARASITIC DISEASE ISSUE (1)
- Preplanned Studies: Distribution Patterns of the Snail Intermediate Host of Schistosoma japonicum — China, 2015−2019
- Preplanned Studies: Assessment of the Transmission Risk of Schistosomiasis after Flooding — North Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Province, China, 2020
- Preplanned Studies: The Potential Distribution Prediction of Oncomelania hupensis Based on Newly Emerging and Reemergent Habitats — China, 2015−2019
- Perspectives: A Platform to Improve Echinococcosis Control in Tibetan Populations — Sichuan Province, China, 2015‒2020
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, December, 2020
2021-01-22 / No. 4
- Preplanned Studies: Development of the National Air Quality Health Index — China, 2013−2018
- Preplanned Studies: Characteristics of Falls Among Older People — China, 2018
- Preplanned Studies: Prevalence and Correlates of Healthy Aging Among Elderly Aged 65 Years and Over — 6 PLADs, China, 2019
- Perspectives: Time to Take Actions to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol in China
- Healthy China: Health Education in the Healthy China Initiative 2019−2030
2021-01-15 / No. 3
- Preplanned Studies: Mushroom Poisoning Outbreaks — China, 2020
- Preplanned Studies: Different Percentile Regression of Blood Glucose Among Adolescents Aged 12−20 — United States, 1999−2018
- Preplanned Studies: The Distribution of Pregnant Women with Different Pregnancy Risks — 4 Cities, China, 2019
- Preplanned Studies: Health Status of Left-Behind Children and Parenting Behaviors of Caregivers in Poor Rural Areas — 6 Provinces, China, 2018
- Perspectives: Tuberculosis in Schools and Requirements for Prevention and Control in China
2021-01-08 / No. 2COVID-19 ISSUE (8)
- Preplanned Studies: Predicted Impact of the COVID-19 Responses on Deaths of Tuberculosis — China, 2020
- Notes from the Field: Two Reemergent Cases of COVID-19 — Hebei Province, China, January 2, 2021
- Notes from the Field: A Case of New Variant COVID-19 First Emerging in South Africa Detected in Airplane Pilot — Guangdong Province, China, January 6, 2021
- Policy Notes: Controlling COVID-19 Transmission due to Contaminated Imported Frozen Food and Food Packaging
- Policy Notes: Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Schools: Recommendations from China CDC
- Commentary: Sino-EU Intergovernmental Collaboration in the Campaign Against the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food via EU-China-Safe Framework
2021-01-01 / No. 1
- Notes from the Field: The First Case of New Variant COVID-19 Originating in the United Kingdom Detected in a Returning Student — Shanghai Municipality, China, December 14, 2020
- Methods and Applications: Establishment and Application of Heminested RT-PCR Assay for Detection of Mosquito-Borne Flavivirus — Guizhou Province, China, 2018
- Recollection: Water Supply Improvement and Health Promotion Campaigns in Rural Areas — China, 1949−2020
- Healthy China: Construction and Implementation of Big Data in Healthcare in Yichang City, Hubei Province
- Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports: Reported Cases and Deaths of National Notifiable Infectious Diseases — China, November, 2020