In Enterobacteriaceae, colistin resistance mediated by the plasmid-borne mcr genes spread rapidly in recent years (4,13). pMCRs are independent genetic elements that can transfer across hosts and have genomic plasticity, and complete sequences of pMCRs are required in the surveillance of the colistin resistant bacteria.
The complete plasmid sequence can definitely reveal the co-transfer of multiple ARGs on the same plasmid. In this study, half of pMCRs carried multiple ARGs, but some Inc type plasmids only carried mcr, such as IncX4. Association studies of plasmid Inc types with the ability to carry ARGs can be applied to evaluate the risk of multi-resistance for different Inc type resistance plasmids. In addition, complete plasmid sequences can clearly define the genes related to environmental adaptation and conjugation, such as heavy metal resistance genes and type IV secretion systems, which can be used to evaluate the maintenance and transfer ability of the resistant plasmid.
In epidemiological surveillance of resistance, it is necessary to identify the transmission events involving different countries, dates, sources, and hosts. Applying the pangenome clustering based on complete plasmid genome to the surveillance can help to associate independent data into transmission events. Even in nosocomial infection control, this monitoring mode can be used to reveal the source and spread of infection (14). Although the amount of pMCRs with complete genome sequences in the database is limited, we still observed some plasmid genome clusters with only some SNP differences among the 455 pMCRs by genome alignment. Among these clusters, some plasmids existed in a variety of host bacteria isolated from different countries, years, and sample sources, which provides evidence for epidemiological surveillance and tracing. These plasmids, which spread widely and involve various sources, have higher public health risks and should be monitored.
This study was subject to some limitations. Resistant bacteria carrying mcr genes have been identified worldwide. For the needs of plasmid type identification and gene composition analysis, the data set of this study only collected pMCR sequences with the complete genome from the NCBI database, which may lead to the deviation of plasmid characteristic statistics caused by sampling biases. Although the transmission of many resistant plasmids remained unobserved, we still found some representative pMCR transmission across countries and hosts. With the establishment and continuous improvement of the resistant plasmid surveillance network, more high-quality complete plasmid genomes will be provided for analysis.
The genome alignment based on complete plasmid genomes of pMCRs has revealed the epidemic events across countries, years, sources, and hosts, which suggests a potential dissemination of pMCRs among human, food, animal, and environment. Therefore, laboratory surveillance networks based on the genome sequencing of resistant plasmids are needed to monitor the epidemic and transmission of antimicrobial resistance. Methods of genome sequencing, assembly, and analysis strategies for resistant plasmids, such as typing and genome alignment, should be optimized and standardized to promote effective data collection, sharing, analysis, and application among network laboratories.