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Methods and Applications: Development and Testing of Physical Literacy Scales for Chinese Elementary School Students — China, 2022

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  • Abstract


    This study aimed to develop and validate test-based physical literacy scales (PLSs) for primary school students across different grades.


    Data were collected through a field survey conducted from June 1 to July 31, 2022, involving 3,275 primary school students from four provinces in China. The questionnaires assessed four domains: physical knowledge, physical competence, physical motivation, and physical behavior. The Rasch model was employed for psychometric analysis.


    The variance explained by measures for the PLSs was 53.1%, 50.3%, and 54.7%, all exceeding the 50% threshold, confirming unidimensionality and robust internal consistency. This enabled effective differentiation among students with varying proficiency levels. The item-person map demonstrated optimal alignment between item difficulty and participant ability levels. Most items showed favorable fit statistics, with Infit mean square (MNSQ) and Outfit MNSQ values ranging between 0.5 and 1.5.


    The PLSs demonstrate validity and reliability in measuring physical literacy among Chinese primary school students across four components: physical knowledge, physical competence, physical motivation, and physical behavior. The scales measure a unidimensional construct, supporting the use of summed total scores for assessment.

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  • Conflicts of interests: No conflicts of interest.
  • Funding: This project is funded by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars with the project number 71904205 and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences – A Strategic Study on Healthy China Development and Health system Reform (2021-I2M-1-046)
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    [9] De Leeuw E. The political ecosystem of health literacies. Health Promot Int 2012;27(1):1 − 4.
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    [12] Fleary SA, Freund KM, Nigg CR. Development and validation of assessments of adolescent health literacy: a Rasch measurement model approach. BMC Public Health 2022;22(1):585.
  • FIGURE 1.  The distribution map of item difficulty and participant ability levels of (A) PLS-Grade1–2; (B) PLS-Grade3–4; and (C) PLS-Grade5–6.

    Note: The left side of the chart shows the participants' ability levels and the right side displays the item difficulty levels. Each "#" means 8. Each "." means 1 to 7.

    Abbreviation: PLS=physical literacy scales.

    TABLE 1.  Sociodemographic characteristics of the students (N=3,275).

    Demographics Frequency
    Grade 1–2 n (%) Grade 3–4 n (%) Grade 5–6 n (%) Missing
    Gender 82
    Boys 517 (49.6) 514 (49.2) 579 (52.3)
    Girls 525 (50.4) 530 (50.8) 528 (47.7)
    Grade 32
    1/3/5 461 (43.9) 431 (40.8) 527 (46.4)
    2/4/6 590 (56.1) 625 (59.2) 609 (53.6)
    Ethnicity 41
    Han 898 (86.1) 953 (89.7) 1,009 (89.4)
    Minority 145 (13.9) 109 (10.3) 120 (10.6)
    Nearsightedness 189
    Yes 87 (8.2) 266 (26.5) 387 (38.1)
    No 897 (84.3) 667 (66.4) 572 (56.2)
    Unawareness 80 (7.5) 72 (7.1) 58 (5.7)
    Total 1,064 (100) 1,069 (100) 1,142 (100)
    Download: CSV

    TABLE 2.  Summary structure and content classification of the three-vision scales.

    Dimension PLS-Grade Items Answer
    Physical knowledge 1–2 B1–B10 Yes/No
    3–4 B1–B10
    5–6 B1–B15
    Physical participation 1–2 D01C–D10C Likert four-level scale (Never/1 to 3 times/4 to 6 times /Everyday)
    3–4 D01C–D12C
    5–6 C01C–C14C
    C01D–C14D Likert five-level scale (Less than 0.5 hours/ 0.5 to 1 hour/1 to 2 hours/ more than 2 hours)
    Physical motivation 1–2 C1–C10 Yes/No
    3–4 C1–C12
    5–6 D1–D15 Likert five-level scale
    Physical competence 1–2 D01B–D10B Yes/No
    3–4 D01B–D12B
    5–6 C01B–C14B
    Abbreviation: PLS=physical literacy scales.
    Download: CSV

    TABLE 3.  Items for the physical knowledge and physical motivation dimensions.

    Dimension Grades Item number Item Question type
    Physical knowledge 1–2 B1–B2 The concept of physical activity Yes/No
    B3 Benefits of physical activity
    B4–B5 Knowledge about physical activity safety
    B6 The concept of health
    B7 Whether air pollution should continue to exercise
    B8–B9 The dangers of sitting for a long time
    B10 Knowledge about the amount of exercise
    3–4 B1–B2 The concept of physical activity Yes/No
    B3 Benefits of physical activity
    B4–B5 Knowledge about physical activity safety
    B6 The concept of health
    B7 Whether to exercise under air pollution
    B8–B9 The dangers of sitting for a long time
    B10 Knowledge about the amount of exercise
    5–6 B1–B2 The concept of physical activity Yes/No
    B3 Benefits of physical activity
    B4, B6–B7 Knowledge about physical activity safety
    B5 Type of physical activity
    B8 Knowledge about the amount of exercise
    B9–B10 Whether to exercise under air pollution
    B11–B14 The dangers of sitting for a long time
    B15 The concept of health
    Physical motivation 1–2 C1 In order to strengthen physical fitness and get sick less Judgment question
    C2 To bring me joy
    C3 To learn new sport skills
    C4 Like to meet new challenges
    C5 To maintain good health
    C6 In order to complete the sports test in school
    C7 To meet new friends
    C8 To look better for my own appearance
    C9 Due to its inherent amusement
    C10 Because exercise is important for me
    3–4 C1 In order to strengthen physical fitness, get sick less Judgment question
    C2 To bring me joy
    C3 To learn new sport skills
    C4 Like to meet new challenges
    C5 To maintain good health
    C6 In order to complete the sports test in school
    C7 My friend wants me to exercise more
    C8 To look better for my own appearance
    C9 Due to its inherent amusement
    C10 To meet new friends
    C11 In order to get good results in sports tests of school
    C12 Because exercise is important for me
    5–6 D1 Because it is in line with life goals Likert five-level scale
    D2 To relieve stress
    D3 To control weight and improve body shape
    D4 To bring me joy
    D5 Because I enjoy of the process of exercise
    D6 To maintain health
    D7 To look better for my own appearance
    D8 To maintain relationships
    D9 To learn new sport skills
    D10 Because everyone thinks I should exercise
    D11 Because of the requirements of teachers and parents
    D12 In order to get good results in sports tests
    D13 Because of the deep love for sports
    D14 Due to its inherent amusement
    D15 Because of the importance of health
    Download: CSV

    TABLE 4.  Item summary statistics (N=3,275).

    Psychometric attribute PLS-Grade1–2 PLS-Grade3–4 PLS-Grade5–6
    Number of item 40 46 72
    Measure (Person) 1.68 1.14 0.40
    Measure (Item) 0 0 0
    Person reliability 0.81 0.81 0.89
    Item reliability 1.00 1.00 1.00
    Person separation 2.04 2.09 2.86
    Item separation 14.23 15.41 21.25
    Item-fit statistics
    Infit MNSQ
    Mean square 1.00 1.01 1.11
    Standard Deviation 0.10 0.09 0.46
    ZSTD −0.1 0.0 0.4
    Outfit MNSQ
    Mmean square 1.04 1.12 1.17
    Standard Deviation 0.28 0.29 0.56
    ZSTD 0.3 0.8 0.5
    Abbreviation: PLS=physical literacy scales; MNSQ=mean square; ZSTD=Z-standardized mean.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Development and Testing of Physical Literacy Scales for Chinese Elementary School Students — China, 2022

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This study aimed to develop and validate test-based physical literacy scales (PLSs) for primary school students across different grades.


Data were collected through a field survey conducted from June 1 to July 31, 2022, involving 3,275 primary school students from four provinces in China. The questionnaires assessed four domains: physical knowledge, physical competence, physical motivation, and physical behavior. The Rasch model was employed for psychometric analysis.


The variance explained by measures for the PLSs was 53.1%, 50.3%, and 54.7%, all exceeding the 50% threshold, confirming unidimensionality and robust internal consistency. This enabled effective differentiation among students with varying proficiency levels. The item-person map demonstrated optimal alignment between item difficulty and participant ability levels. Most items showed favorable fit statistics, with Infit mean square (MNSQ) and Outfit MNSQ values ranging between 0.5 and 1.5.


The PLSs demonstrate validity and reliability in measuring physical literacy among Chinese primary school students across four components: physical knowledge, physical competence, physical motivation, and physical behavior. The scales measure a unidimensional construct, supporting the use of summed total scores for assessment.

  • 1. School of Health Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China
  • Corresponding author:

    Lili You,

  • Funding: This project is funded by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars with the project number 71904205 and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences – A Strategic Study on Healthy China Development and Health system Reform (2021-I2M-1-046)
  • Online Date: February 28 2025
    Issue Date: February 28 2025
    doi: 10.46234/ccdcw2025.049
  • Physical literacy (PL) has evolved from the concept of health literacy (HL). The fundamental components of HL comprise emotional dimensions (motivation and confidence), physical dimensions (physical capability), and cognitive dimensions (knowledge and understanding) (1). PL represents a comprehensive construct that encompasses motivation, self-confidence, physical competence, motor skill execution, and active engagement in physical activities (24). Recent researches has extensively documented the benefits of physical activities, particularly those of moderate to vigorous intensity, for children and adolescents, including improvements in cardiovascular health, visual acuity, and mental well-being (57).

    Despite these recognized benefits, the current state of physical activity among primary school students in China remains concerning, characterized by insufficient understanding of physical exercise and declining physical fitness (8). PL enables primary school students to develop fundamental comprehension of exercise and health, thereby fostering health-promoting behaviors and competencies (9). Students with strong PL competencies consistently demonstrate superior performance in physical activities. Therefore, PL assessment serves as a crucial tool for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of physical education among primary school students, ultimately informing and enhancing national-level policies and interventions.

    Current research and assessment tool development for PL in China have predominantly focused on adolescent populations, particularly middle and high school students. A significant gap exists in the availability of standardized measurement tools for assessing PL among primary school students in China. This study addresses this gap by developing a comprehensive questionnaire specifically designed to measure PL in primary school students, taking into account the developmental characteristics of students across different grade levels.

    • This study employed a multistage cluster sampling approach conducted from June 1 to July 31, 2022. Three provinces were strategically selected to represent the eastern, central, and western regions of China, with one city randomly chosen from each province. Additionally, a highly economically developed municipality in southern China was included to enhance regional representation. Within each selected city, we randomly selected one urban and one rural primary school. From each school, 1–2 classes were randomly sampled across three grade level groups (grades 1–2, 3–4, and 5–6). All students within the selected classes participated in the questionnaire survey, completing the instruments independently. The study yielded 3,275 valid questionnaires, distributed across educational stages as follows: 1,064 from grades 1–2, 1,069 from grades 3–4, and 1,142 from grades 5–6. Informed consent was obtained from all participants, and the study received ethical approval (Table 1).

      Demographics Frequency
      Grade 1–2 n (%) Grade 3–4 n (%) Grade 5–6 n (%) Missing
      Gender 82
      Boys 517 (49.6) 514 (49.2) 579 (52.3)
      Girls 525 (50.4) 530 (50.8) 528 (47.7)
      Grade 32
      1/3/5 461 (43.9) 431 (40.8) 527 (46.4)
      2/4/6 590 (56.1) 625 (59.2) 609 (53.6)
      Ethnicity 41
      Han 898 (86.1) 953 (89.7) 1,009 (89.4)
      Minority 145 (13.9) 109 (10.3) 120 (10.6)
      Nearsightedness 189
      Yes 87 (8.2) 266 (26.5) 387 (38.1)
      No 897 (84.3) 667 (66.4) 572 (56.2)
      Unawareness 80 (7.5) 72 (7.1) 58 (5.7)
      Total 1,064 (100) 1,069 (100) 1,142 (100)

      Table 1.  Sociodemographic characteristics of the students (N=3,275).

    • This study developed three grade-specific versions of the scale to align with children’s cognitive development levels: PLS-Grade1–2 (physical literacy scale for elementary school students in grades 1–2), PLS-Grade 3–4 (physical literacy scale for elementary school students in grades 3–4), and PLS-Grade5–6 (physical literacy scale for elementary school students in grades 5–6). The scale’s framework was constructed based on four fundamental dimensions of children’s HL derived from existing Chinese policy documents and guidelines: knowledge, physical participation, physical competence, and physical motivation (Table 2).

      Dimension PLS-Grade Items Answer
      Physical knowledge 1–2 B1–B10 Yes/No
      3–4 B1–B10
      5–6 B1–B15
      Physical participation 1–2 D01C–D10C Likert four-level scale (Never/1 to 3 times/4 to 6 times /Everyday)
      3–4 D01C–D12C
      5–6 C01C–C14C
      C01D–C14D Likert five-level scale (Less than 0.5 hours/ 0.5 to 1 hour/1 to 2 hours/ more than 2 hours)
      Physical motivation 1–2 C1–C10 Yes/No
      3–4 C1–C12
      5–6 D1–D15 Likert five-level scale
      Physical competence 1–2 D01B–D10B Yes/No
      3–4 D01B–D12B
      5–6 C01B–C14B
      Abbreviation: PLS=physical literacy scales.

      Table 2.  Summary structure and content classification of the three-vision scales.

      Each version of the scale consists of two components: a Personal Information Questionnaire and a Physical Literacy Measurement Scale. The Personal Information Questionnaire comprises eight items collecting data on student demographics and behavioral characteristics: name, gender, age, grade, ethnicity, nearsightedness status, physical activity level, and internet usage patterns. The Physical Literacy Measurement Scale evaluates the four dimensions of children’s PL using a 100-point scoring system. Dimensional weights were predetermined through Delphi expert consultation to ensure appropriate score allocation across components.

      Physical Knowledge: The item banks were customized according to students’ comprehension levels across different grades. For grades 1–4, 10 items were selected, while 15 items were chosen for grades 5–6. Each item consists of a true/false statement designed to assess children’s understanding of physical activity, sedentary behavior recommendations, health perspectives, and safety awareness during physical activities (Table 3).

      Dimension Grades Item number Item Question type
      Physical knowledge 1–2 B1–B2 The concept of physical activity Yes/No
      B3 Benefits of physical activity
      B4–B5 Knowledge about physical activity safety
      B6 The concept of health
      B7 Whether air pollution should continue to exercise
      B8–B9 The dangers of sitting for a long time
      B10 Knowledge about the amount of exercise
      3–4 B1–B2 The concept of physical activity Yes/No
      B3 Benefits of physical activity
      B4–B5 Knowledge about physical activity safety
      B6 The concept of health
      B7 Whether to exercise under air pollution
      B8–B9 The dangers of sitting for a long time
      B10 Knowledge about the amount of exercise
      5–6 B1–B2 The concept of physical activity Yes/No
      B3 Benefits of physical activity
      B4, B6–B7 Knowledge about physical activity safety
      B5 Type of physical activity
      B8 Knowledge about the amount of exercise
      B9–B10 Whether to exercise under air pollution
      B11–B14 The dangers of sitting for a long time
      B15 The concept of health
      Physical motivation 1–2 C1 In order to strengthen physical fitness and get sick less Judgment question
      C2 To bring me joy
      C3 To learn new sport skills
      C4 Like to meet new challenges
      C5 To maintain good health
      C6 In order to complete the sports test in school
      C7 To meet new friends
      C8 To look better for my own appearance
      C9 Due to its inherent amusement
      C10 Because exercise is important for me
      3–4 C1 In order to strengthen physical fitness, get sick less Judgment question
      C2 To bring me joy
      C3 To learn new sport skills
      C4 Like to meet new challenges
      C5 To maintain good health
      C6 In order to complete the sports test in school
      C7 My friend wants me to exercise more
      C8 To look better for my own appearance
      C9 Due to its inherent amusement
      C10 To meet new friends
      C11 In order to get good results in sports tests of school
      C12 Because exercise is important for me
      5–6 D1 Because it is in line with life goals Likert five-level scale
      D2 To relieve stress
      D3 To control weight and improve body shape
      D4 To bring me joy
      D5 Because I enjoy of the process of exercise
      D6 To maintain health
      D7 To look better for my own appearance
      D8 To maintain relationships
      D9 To learn new sport skills
      D10 Because everyone thinks I should exercise
      D11 Because of the requirements of teachers and parents
      D12 In order to get good results in sports tests
      D13 Because of the deep love for sports
      D14 Due to its inherent amusement
      D15 Because of the importance of health

      Table 3.  Items for the physical knowledge and physical motivation dimensions.

      Physical Competence: The physical competence domain evaluates proficiency in various physical activities through capability-based questions (e.g., “Can you perform this activity?”). Following expert panel discussions, we developed grade-specific activity categories. For grades 1–2, we included 10 categories spanning leisure activities (e.g., shuttlecock kicking), moderate-intensity activities (cycling, gymnastics, roller skating, taekwondo), and high-intensity activities (dance, swimming, running, table tennis). The grades 3–4 questionnaire incorporated soccer and badminton as additional activities. For grades 5–6, we expanded the assessment to include sit-ups/pull-ups, mountain climbing, martial arts, and consolidated ball sports into two choice categories: one between basketball, soccer, or volleyball, and another between badminton, table tennis, or tennis. The final item counts were 10 for PLS-Grade1–2, 12 for PLS-Grade3–4, and 14 for PLS-Grade5–6.

    • The physical participation domain evaluates weekly exercise activities across varying intensities and durations. Students in grades 1–4 respond using a four-point Likert scale, while grades 5–6 students answer questions structured on a four-point Likert scale. The number of items corresponds to the physical competences listed in the questionnaire: PLS-Grade 1–2 contains 10 items, PLS-Grade3–4 comprises 12 items, and PLS-Grade5–6 includes 14 items.

    • The Children’s Self-Perception of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity (CSAPPA) Scale (10) was utilized to assess children’s perceived competence in physical activities and their inclination toward participation. All scale items were adapted into age-appropriate language to ensure comprehension by adolescent participants. The PLS-Grade1–2 and PLS-Grade3–4 utilize true/false questions, with 10 questions per grade level. The PLS-Grade5–6 employs a five-point Likert scale comprising 15 questions (Table 3).

    • To ensure data quality and independence, each class was assigned a dedicated investigator for the duration of the study. Students completed the questionnaires independently without teacher influence, while both the survey administrator and class teacher supervised the process to verify complete and accurate completion of all questionnaires.

      The measurement methodology was primarily guided by item response theory (IRT). Analysis was conducted using Winsteps software (version 3.66.0; to evaluate both dichotomous and multi-classification items. Items that failed to meet Rasch model criteria were either adjusted or eliminated as necessary.

    • Analysis of participant ability difficulty scores revealed mean values of −1.65, −1.06, −1.26, and −0.27, indicating that the items presented considerable challenge to participants. The Rasch model evaluation, utilizing Infit MNSQ and Outfit MNSQ average values, demonstrated optimal overall fit with values consistently falling between 0.5 and 1.5. These results indicate strong alignment between the three questionnaires and the ideal model, confirming robust data consistency (Table 4).

      Psychometric attribute PLS-Grade1–2 PLS-Grade3–4 PLS-Grade5–6
      Number of item 40 46 72
      Measure (Person) 1.68 1.14 0.40
      Measure (Item) 0 0 0
      Person reliability 0.81 0.81 0.89
      Item reliability 1.00 1.00 1.00
      Person separation 2.04 2.09 2.86
      Item separation 14.23 15.41 21.25
      Item-fit statistics
      Infit MNSQ
      Mean square 1.00 1.01 1.11
      Standard Deviation 0.10 0.09 0.46
      ZSTD −0.1 0.0 0.4
      Outfit MNSQ
      Mmean square 1.04 1.12 1.17
      Standard Deviation 0.28 0.29 0.56
      ZSTD 0.3 0.8 0.5
      Abbreviation: PLS=physical literacy scales; MNSQ=mean square; ZSTD=Z-standardized mean.

      Table 4.  Item summary statistics (N=3,275).

    • The variance explained by the measures across the three questionnaires was 53.1%, 50.3%, and 54.7%, respectively, all exceeding the 50% threshold. These results confirm unidimensionality, indicating that the items within each scale effectively measure a single, cohesive domain.

    • The distribution of item difficulty and participant ability levels varied across grade groups. For grades 1–2, item difficulty spanned from −3 to 3 logit units, while participant ability levels ranged from -3 to 5 logit units. In grades 3–4, item difficulty ranged from -4 to 3 logit units, with participant ability levels distributed between −2 and 5 logit units. For grades 5–6, item difficulty extended from −4 to 3 logit units, while participant ability levels ranged from −2 to 4 logit units (Figure 1A–C). Across all three questionnaires, the item difficulty distribution demonstrated optimal alignment with participant ability levels.

      Figure 1. 

      The distribution map of item difficulty and participant ability levels of (A) PLS-Grade1–2; (B) PLS-Grade3–4; and (C) PLS-Grade5–6.

      Note: The left side of the chart shows the participants' ability levels and the right side displays the item difficulty levels. Each "#" means 8. Each "." means 1 to 7.

      Abbreviation: PLS=physical literacy scales.

    • Analysis of item fit statistics revealed robust measurement properties across all three scales. For PLS-Grade1–2, the Infit mean square statistics ranged from 0.82 to 1.31 with a mean of 1.00, while Outfit mean square values spanned from 0.62 to 1.78, averaging 1.04. PLS-Grade3–4 demonstrated Infit MNSQ values between 0.79 and 1.34 (mean=1.01) and Outfit MNSQ values from 0.81 to 2.16 (mean=1.12). For PLS-Grade5–6, Infit MNSQ values ranged from 0.32 to 2.18 (mean=1.11), with corresponding Outfit MNSQ values spanning 0.37 to 2.54 (mean=1.17) (Supplementary Table S1).

    • The validation of questionnaire quality yielded robust results. The item reliability coefficients across all four grade levels achieved a value of 1, with item separation values substantially exceeding 3. These findings demonstrate exceptional internal consistency within the questionnaire and validate the hierarchical structure of item difficulty levels. Furthermore, the questionnaire effectively discriminates among students with varying proficiency levels. The unidimensionality test revealed that all items across the three questionnaires met the necessary criteria, justifying subsequent Rasch model analysis. The item-person map demonstrates optimal alignment between the average item difficulty and respondents’ ability levels, with items of varying difficulty distributed evenly across the scale. This distribution effectively accommodates primary school students across the spectrum of health literacy levels. Statistical analyses of all three questionnaires indicated favorable overall fit, showing strong concordance with the ideal model.

      From an implementation perspective, our approach effectively addresses the varying cognitive capacities among primary school students while enabling precise assessment of their PL development. The questionnaires were strategically designed with grade-appropriate item counts, incorporating more questions for higher-grade students to maintain engagement throughout the measurement process. To accommodate younger students’ developing comprehension abilities, their questionnaires featured simplified formats, such as true/false questions. Conversely, five-point Likert scale items were implemented for higher-grade students to comprehensively capture physical activity motivation factors. Additionally, the questionnaires employed grade-specific language to address variations in comprehension levels across age groups. This PL measurement scale, grounded in a thorough understanding of student characteristics, enhances both scientific rigor and practical utility through its hierarchical design and differentiated approach. These methodological insights offer valuable guidance for future PL measurement tool development.

      Our study has several limitations. First, the reliance on primary school students’ voluntary responses may introduce inherent participant subjectivity biases (11). Future studies should consider diverse data collection methods, such as parental or teacher assistance in questionnaire interpretation, to mitigate potential cognitive limitations-related subjectivity. Second, our use of cluster sampling may have resulted in population underrepresentation (12). We recommend that future research enhance survey methodology to reduce bias, moderately decrease scale difficulty, and expand sample size.

    • We are grateful to all participants of primary school in Luzhou, Sichuan province; Cangzhou, Hebei province; Haidong, Hainan province; Shenzhen for their time and insights. We also want to express gratitude to the leaders and teachers in these schools and our postgraduate research assistants at Peking Union Medical College for their cooperation and assistance. Thanks to the staff of the regional Health Commission for their personnel and financial support.

    • This study was conducted according to the guidelines laid down in the Declaration of Helsinki and all procedures involving research study participants were reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College. Approval was granted with protocol number CAMS&PUMC-IEC-2022-026. Obtained written informed consent from all study participants. Obtained consent from parents or guardians.

  • Conflicts of interests: No conflicts of interest.
  • Reference (12)




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