Occupational noise-induced deafness (ONID) ranks among the most prevalent recognized occupational diseases in industrialized nations (1). In China, ONID has maintained its position as the second most common occupational disease since 2015 (2), with Guangdong Province reporting it as the leading occupational disease. Suspected ONID represents a preliminary diagnostic state where workers exposed to occupational noise demonstrate hearing loss meeting ONID diagnostic thresholds but require additional exposure documentation or medical evidence for definitive diagnosis (3-4). The National Health Commission of China emphasizes the importance of enhancing medical institutions’ capabilities in identifying suspected occupational diseases and increasing the initiation rate of subsequent diagnostic procedures (5). While Guangdong Province reports the highest proportion of suspected ONID cases among suspected occupational diseases provincially and ranks prominently nationwide, comprehensive research examining the epidemiological characteristics and diagnostic outcomes of these cases remains limited (6–7). To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a systematic investigation of suspected ONID cases in Guangdong Province from 2014 to 2023, analyzing their epidemiological patterns and diagnostic trajectories. This research aims to establish an evidence-based foundation for developing effective ONID prevention and management policies.
From 2014 to 2023, 16,987 suspected ONID cases were reported, demonstrating a significant increasing trend (AAPC: 11.8, 95% CI: 2.9–22.3, P=0.013). Figure 1 depicts the geographic distribution across 21 cities, with the highest case numbers reported in Foshan (3,590; 21.1%), Shenzhen (2,984; 17.6%), Zhongshan (2,400; 14.1%), Dongguan (1,979; 11.7%), and Guangzhou (1,640; 9.7%). The Pearl River Delta region accounted for 87.9% (14,932/16,987) of total cases. The proportion of suspected ONID among all suspected occupational diseases varied substantially by city, ranging from 12.5% in Shanwei to 91.0% in Zhanjiang.
Figure 1.Geographic distribution and proportion of suspected occupational noise-induced deafness cases in Guangdong Province, China, 2014–2023.
Abbreviation: ONID=occupational noise-induced deafness.The temporal trends of suspected ONID cases from 2014 to 2023 are illustrated in Figure 2. Despite fluctuations in absolute numbers, with a peak of 3,057 cases in 2018 followed by a decline to 1,215 cases in 2023, ONID maintained its position as the predominant suspected occupational disease. The proportion of ONID cases increased from 41.05% in 2014 to 70.62% in 2018, and stabilizing between 2019 and 2023. Throughout the decade, suspected ONID cases (16,987) represented 65.22% of all suspected occupational disease cases (26,044).
Figure 2.Temporal trends and proportional distribution of suspected occupational noise-induced deafness cases in Guangdong Province, China, 2014–2023.
Abbreviation: ONID=occupational noise-induced deafness.Table 1 presents the characteristics and AAPC of suspected ONID cases. The manufacturing sector dominated suspected ONID cases, accounting for 90.1% (15,298/16,987) of all reports. Within manufacturing, the metal products industry reported the highest proportion (2,327; 15.2%), followed by non-metallic mineral products (1,416; 9.3%) and electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing (1,314; 8.6%). Domestic-fund enterprises reported 62.1% (10,551/16,987) of cases, demonstrating a significant AAPC of 15.9% (95% CI: 4.5%–29.4%, P=0.014). Demographic analysis revealed that males comprised 87.7% (14,905/16,987) of cases, with the 40–50 years age group representing 45.2% (7,679/16,987). Cases with <3 years of exposure initially increased from 197 in 2014 to 1,494 in 2018, followed by a marked decline to 33 in 2023 (APC: −52.96%, P<0.001 for 2017–2023).
Characteristics Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 AAPC (95% CI) Industry Manufacturing 15,298
(3.9, 21.5)Non-Manufacturing 1689
(−3.9, 26.9)Registration type† Domestic-funded enterprises 10,551
(4.5, 29.4)Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan-funded enterprises 3,617
(1.4, 15.7)Foreign-funded enterprises 2,811
(−2.2, 10.4)Scale† Large 2,891
(−3.5, 12.9)Medium 5,066
(−2.7, 19.9)Small 7,467
(10.1, 30.7)Micro and unknown 1,555
(−12.5, 27.6)Gender Male 14,905
(4.4, 22.6)Female 2,082
(−6.2, 19.1)Age (year) <30 1,375
(−16.9, −4.3)30–39 4,192
(−7.7, 18.3)40–49 7,679
(5.2, 21.4)≥50 3,741
(18.8, 39.0)Duration of occupational noise exposure
(year)<3 6,076
(−37.4, −4.4)3–5 3,682
(10.7, 36.3)6–8 2,297
(6, 32.6)≥9 4,932
(17.2, 37.8)Ownership type of identification institutions Public Institution 14,595
(−0.9, 15.9)Private Institution 2,392
(85.4, 134)Classification of identification institutions Occupational Disease Prevention and Treatment Institution 3,187
(4.0, 15.6)CDC 4,298
(−16.2, 7.7)Hospital 8,318
(2.8, 30.8)Occupational Health Station 1,184
(29.3, 94.6)Certification of identification institutions OHE Institution 12,241
(−4.8, 28.2)Occupational Disease Diagnostic Institution 4,746
(−2, 15.5)Total 16,987
(2.9, 22.3)Abbreviation: AAPC=Average annual percentage change
* P<0.05
† 8 cases from the industry of public administration, social security, and social organizations are not classified by registration type and scale.Table 1. Characteristics and average annual percentage change of suspected occupational noise-induced deafness cases in Guangdong Province, 2014−2023 (n, %).
Analysis of identification institution characteristics revealed a notable shift from public to private institutions. While public institutions diagnosed the majority of cases (85.9%; 14,595/16,987), private institutions showed a marked increase in case identification, reaching 34.1% by 2023 (AAPC 107.5%, 95% CI: 85.4%–134.0%, P<0.001). Hospitals identified 49.0% (8,318/16,987) of cases. The proportion of cases identified by the CDCs decreased from 47.5% to 11.0%, while outpatient health stations exhibited an increased contribution from 0.6% to 18.1% (AAPC=61.5%, 95% CI: 29.3%–94.6%, P<0.001). Occupational health examination (OHE) institutions identified 72.1% (12,247/16,987) of all cases over the entire study period.
Table 2 demonstrates the diagnostic initiation and confirmation rates for suspected ONID. Among 5,263 suspected cases, the overall diagnostic procedure initiation rate was 45.1%, with a confirmation rate of 48.9%. The initiation rate increased from 36.9% in 2020 to 55.8% in 2022 before decreasing to 47.7% in 2023. Confirmation rates fluctuated between 42.1% and 54.4%, reaching their peak in 2021. Public institutions, which identified 73.1% (3,845/5,263) of cases, demonstrated higher initiation (46.0%) and confirmation (50.7%) rates compared to private institutions (42.8% and 43.8%, respectively). While OHE institutions identified the majority of suspected cases (74.8%, 3,939/5,263), they showed lower initiation (42.5%) and confirmation (46.9%) rates than occupational disease diagnostic institutions (53.0% and 53.8%, respectively). Occupational disease prevention and treatment institutions achieved the highest initiation rate (56.4%), while CDC maintained the highest confirmation rate (54.2%). Although hospitals identified the largest proportion of cases (54.1%, 2,847/5,263), they recorded the lowest initiation (40.7%) and confirmation (46.2%) rates.
Characteristics Total of
ONIDInitiation of occupational
Disease diagnostic procedureDiagnosis of ONID No Yes Initiation rate, % No Yes Diagnostic
rate, %Year 2020 1,416 894 522 36.9 242 280 53.6 2021 1,524 868 656 43.0 299 357 54.4 2022 1,108 490 618 55.8 358 260 42.1 2023 1,215 636 579 47.7 314 265 45.8 Ownership type of identification institutions Public Institution 3,845 2,077 1,768 46.0 872 896 50.7 Private Institution 1,418 811 607 42.8 341 266 43.8 Certification of identification institutions OHE Institution 3,939 2,266 1,673 42.5 889 784 46.9 Occupational disease diagnostic institution 1,324 622 702 53.0 324 378 53.8 Classification of identification institutions Occupational disease prevention and treatment institution 902 393 509 56.4 246 263 51.7 CDC 848 446 402 47.4 184 218 54.2 Hospital 2,847 1,688 1,159 40.7 623 536 46.2 Outpatient health station 666 361 305 45.8 160 145 47.5 Total 5,263 2,888 2,375 45.1 1,213 1,162 48.9 Abbreviation: ONID=occupational noise-induced deafness. Table 2. Suspected ONID initiation of occupational disease diagnostic procedure and diagnostic confirmation rates of ONID in Guangdong Province, 2020–2023.
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