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Vital Surveillances: Post-Marketing Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunization with Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Conjugate Vaccine — China, 2010–2021

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  • Abstract


    The Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccine is widely administered in China.


    We extracted data on Hib vaccine doses administered and adverse events following immunization (AEFI) reported between 2010 and 2021 from the Chinese National Immunization Information System (CNIIS). A descriptive analysis was conducted to examine the characteristics and incidence rates of AEFI with the Hib vaccine.


    In China, between 2010 and 2021, a total of 52,910 AEFIs with the Hib vaccine were reported, resulting in an overall AEFI reporting rate of 38.10 per 100,000 doses. Common (typically minor) and rare (potentially serious) vaccine reactions occurred at rates of 34.71 and 2.78 per 100,000 doses, respectively. Among the common vaccine reactions, the incidences of fever (axillary temperature ≥38.6 ℃), injection site redness and swelling (>2.5 cm in diameter), and injection site induration (>2.5 cm in diameter) were 11.93, 9.69, and 3.38 per 100,000 doses, respectively. Rare vaccine reactions included anaphylactic rash, angioedema, and febrile convulsion with reported incidences of 2.42, 0.10, and 0.05 per 100,000 doses, respectively. The incidence of serious rare vaccine reactions was 0.16 per 100,000 doses.


    The reported incidence of AEFI with the Hib vaccine was low, with the occurrence of serious rare adverse reactions also being markedly low throughout the period 2010–2021 in China.

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  • Funding: Supported by the Emergency Response Mechanism Operation Programme of China CDC (102393220020010000017)
  • [1] World Health Organization. WHO position papers on Haemophilus influenzae type b. 2022. [2024-2-2].
    [2] Ministry of Health of China, State Food and Drug Administration of China. National guideline for the surveillance of adverse events following immunization (AEFI). 2010. [2023-1-10]. (In Chinese). 
    [3] Ministry of Health of China. Identification of adverse reaction after immunization. 2018. [2023-1-10]. (In Chinese). 
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  • TABLE 1.  Characteristics of Hib vaccine AEFI in China, 2010–2021.

    Characteristics AEFI Serious AEFI Common vaccine
    Rare vaccine
    Number Proportion
    Number Proportion
    Number Proportion
    Number Proportion
    Male 30,693 58.01 252 59.29 27,953 57.99 2,253 58.29
    Female 22,217 41.99 173 40.71 20,250 42.01 1,612 41.71
    Age group
    <1 years 26,987 51.01 263 61.88 24,346 50.51 2,166 56.04
    1–2 years 19,390 36.65 128 30.12 17,697 36.71 1,399 36.20
    ≥2 years 6,533 12.35 34 8.00 6,160 12.78 300 7.76
    Eastern 32,094 60.66 198 46.59 29,208 60.59 2,415 62.48
    Central 14,566 27.53 147 34.59 13,543 28.10 848 21.94
    Western 6,250 11.81 80 18.82 5,452 11.31 602 15.58
    1 9,195 17.38 112 26.35 8,240 17.09 769 19.90
    2 18,166 34.33 105 24.71 16,679 34.60 1,237 32.01
    3 17,301 32.70 120 28.24 15,861 32.90 1,200 31.05
    4 8,248 15.59 88 20.71 7,423 15.40 659 17.05
    Dose number
    1 28,525 53.91 256 60.24 25,831 53.59 2,187 56.58
    2 9,601 18.15 80 18.82 8,631 17.91 818 21.16
    3 7,919 14.97 49 11.53 7,323 15.19 500 12.94
    4 6,865 12.97 40 9.41 6,418 13.31 360 9.31
    Vaccinated with other vaccines
    No 39,279 74.24 238 56.00 35,899 74.47 2,803 72.52
    Yes 13,631 25.76 187 44.00 12,304 25.53 1,062 27.48
    Onset time after vaccination
    0–1 day 30,912 58.42 218 51.29 27,914 57.91 2,504 64.79
    2–3 day 21,151 39.98 143 33.65 19,631 40.73 1,235 31.95
    4–14 day 604 1.14 47 11.06 478 0.99 81 2.10
    ≥15 day 243 0.46 17 4.00 180 0.37 45 1.16
    Total 52,910 100.00   425 100.00   48,203 100.00   3,865 100.00
    Abbreviation: AEFI=adverse events following immunization.
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    TABLE 2.  Number and incidence per 100,000 doses of Hib vaccine AEFI by year, causality, and severity in China, 2010–2021.

    Year Classification by cause Seriousness Total
    Common vaccine reaction Rare vaccine reaction Coincidental
    Non-classifiable event Serious* Non-serious
    Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000)
    2010 1,872 16.46 180 1.58 58 0.51 1 0.01 0 0.00 4 0.04 33 0.29 2,082 18.31 2,115 18.60
    2011 3,840 26.68 278 1.93 59 0.41 1 0.01 0 0.00 0 0.00 34 0.24 4,144 28.80 4,178 29.03
    2012 5,196 37.09 390 2.79 79 0.56 0 0.00 1 0.01 0 0.00 44 0.31 5,622 40.13 5,666 40.44
    2013 5,871 40.13 500 3.42 83 0.57 1 0.01 0 0.00 2 0.01 46 0.31 6,411 43.82 6,457 44.14
    2014 5,612 36.22 572 3.69 100 0.65 3 0.02 0 0.00 5 0.03 59 0.38 6,233 40.23 6,292 40.61
    2015 5,068 32.46 483 3.09 93 0.60 0 0.00 1 0.01 1 0.01 39 0.25 5,607 35.92 5,646 36.17
    2016 4,155 40.79 356 3.49 69 0.68 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.03 49 0.48 4,534 44.51 4,583 44.99
    2017 3,627 32.51 301 2.70 61 0.55 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.04 30 0.27 3,963 35.53 3,993 35.79
    2018 3,983 38.11 315 3.01 59 0.56 0 0.00 0 0.00 7 0.07 30 0.29 4,334 41.47 4,364 41.75
    2019 3,766 46.25 244 3.00 81 0.99 0 0.00 1 0.01 0 0.00 26 0.32 4,066 49.94 4,092 50.25
    2020 3,110 45.54 162 2.37 31 0.45 1 0.01 1 0.01 4 0.06 25 0.37 3,284 48.09 3,309 48.46
    2021 2,103 31.78 84 1.27 25 0.38 0 0.00 1 0.02 2 0.03 10 0.15 2,205 33.32 2,215 33.47
    Total 48,203 34.71 3,865 2.78 798 0.57 7 0.005 5 0.004 32 0.02 425 0.31 52,485 37.79 52,910 38.10
    Abbreviation: AEFI=adverse events following immunization.
    * Among serious AEFI, there were 224 cases of serious rare vaccine reactions, representing an incidence of 0.16 per 100,000 doses.
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    TABLE 3.  Number, proportion and incidence of reported Hib vaccine reactions in China, 2010–2021.

    Clinical diagnosis Number Proportion (%) Incidence (/100,000)
    Common vaccine reactions
    Fever (axillary temperature)
    ≥38.6 ℃ 16,573 34.38 11.93
    Injection site redness and swelling (diameter)
    2.6–5.0 cm 10,304 21.38 7.42
    >5.0 cm 3,149 6.53 2.27
    Injection site induration (diameter)
    2.6–5.0 cm 3,658 7.59 2.63
    >5.0 cm 1,038 2.15 0.75
    Other common vaccine reactions 2,250 4.67 1.62
    Rare vaccine reactions
    Allergic reactions
    Allergic rash 3,365 87.06 2.42
    Angioedema 142 3.67 0.10
    Anaphylactic shock 14 0.36 0.01
    Laryngeal edema 5 0.13 0.004
    Other allergic reactions 66 1.71 0.05
    Nervous system diseases
    Febrile convulsion 71 1.84 0.05
    Convulsion 11 0.28 0.01
    GBS 3 0.08 0.002
    ADEM 3 0.08 0.002
    Polyneuritis 2 0.05 0.001
    Local reactions
    Sterile abscess 27 0.70 0.02
    Arthus reaction 7 0.18 0.01
    Lymphangitis and lymphadenitis 4 0.10 0.003
     Other rare vaccine reactions
     TP 67 1.73 0.05
     HSP 14 0.36 0.01
     Others 64 1.66 0.05
    Total 52,068 100.00 37.49
    Abbreviation: GBS=Guillain-Barre syndrome; ADEM=acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; TP=thrombocytopenic purpura; HSP=Henoch-Schonlein purpura.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Post-Marketing Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunization with Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Conjugate Vaccine — China, 2010–2021

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The Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccine is widely administered in China.


We extracted data on Hib vaccine doses administered and adverse events following immunization (AEFI) reported between 2010 and 2021 from the Chinese National Immunization Information System (CNIIS). A descriptive analysis was conducted to examine the characteristics and incidence rates of AEFI with the Hib vaccine.


In China, between 2010 and 2021, a total of 52,910 AEFIs with the Hib vaccine were reported, resulting in an overall AEFI reporting rate of 38.10 per 100,000 doses. Common (typically minor) and rare (potentially serious) vaccine reactions occurred at rates of 34.71 and 2.78 per 100,000 doses, respectively. Among the common vaccine reactions, the incidences of fever (axillary temperature ≥38.6 ℃), injection site redness and swelling (>2.5 cm in diameter), and injection site induration (>2.5 cm in diameter) were 11.93, 9.69, and 3.38 per 100,000 doses, respectively. Rare vaccine reactions included anaphylactic rash, angioedema, and febrile convulsion with reported incidences of 2.42, 0.10, and 0.05 per 100,000 doses, respectively. The incidence of serious rare vaccine reactions was 0.16 per 100,000 doses.


The reported incidence of AEFI with the Hib vaccine was low, with the occurrence of serious rare adverse reactions also being markedly low throughout the period 2010–2021 in China.

  • 1. National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Tracking and Forecasting for Infectious Diseases (NITFID), National Immunization Programme, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, China
  • 2. Department of Expanded Programme on Immunization, Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
  • Corresponding author:

    Keli Li,

  • Funding: Supported by the Emergency Response Mechanism Operation Programme of China CDC (102393220020010000017)
  • Online Date: August 16 2024
    Issue Date: August 16 2024
    doi: 10.46234/ccdcw2024.180
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is a major pathogen responsible for serious illnesses in young children, including pneumonia, meningitis, septicemia, suppurative arthritis, and other invasive infections. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that in 2008, approximately 203,000 children under the age of five succumbed to invasive Hib diseases globally (1). The Hib conjugate vaccine (Hib vaccine) has proven to be highly effective in preventing these diseases. In China, the Hib vaccine is one of the most broadly utilized vaccines in the non-National Immunization Program (non-NIP). This study analyzed surveillance data on adverse events following immunization (AEFI) with the Hib vaccine, as reported to the Chinese National Immunization Information System (CNIIS) from 2010 to 2021. Notably, this analysis does not include data from Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan, China. The findings offer substantial evidence supporting further post-marketing safety assessments of the Hib vaccine.

    • AEFI cases with the Hib vaccine, reported between 2010 and 2021, were sourced from the CNIIS AEFI surveillance module. Data on the number of Hib vaccine doses administered during the study period were obtained from the CNIIS vaccination surveillance module.

      Hib vaccines, authorized by various marketing authorization holders (MAHs), are approved for administration in children aged 2 months to 5 years. The standard immunization schedule includes three primary-series doses, administered monthly beginning at 2–3 months, followed by a booster dose at 18 months. Infants initiating Hib vaccination between 6–12 months receive two doses, while children who begin their vaccination between 1–5 years receive a single dose.

      AEFI surveillance is conducted in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines (23). Various entities, including medical institutions, vaccination providers, MAHs, CDCs, and medical associations, have distinct roles in the reporting, investigation, and causality assessment of AEFIs. AEFIs are categorized into reactions related to vaccine products, reactions due to vaccine quality defects, reactions suspected to be caused by immunization errors, coincidental events, and psychogenic reactions. Among these, vaccine product-related reactions, or vaccine reactions, are adverse events that are either confirmed to be caused by the vaccine or cannot be definitively ruled out as being caused by the vaccine. These reactions are further subdivided into common reactions, which are usually minor, and rare reactions, which could be serious. Specific symptoms such as fever (axillary temperature ≥38.6 °C), redness and swelling at the injection site (diameter >2.5 cm), and induration at the injection site (diameter >2.5 cm) are mandated to be reported. Serious AEFI encompasses events that are life-threatening, may result in death, or may lead to substantial or permanent disability or significant impairment of organ function. Serious rare vaccine reactions primarily encompass those serious AEFIs that are suspected to be vaccine-related.

      Data were analyzed utilizing Microsoft Office Excel (version 2016, Microsoft, Washington, USA) and R (version 4.2.1, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). Descriptive statistics were employed to elucidate the distributions, characteristics, and reported incidences of AEFI with the Hib vaccine. The incidence of AEFI was calculated by taking the number of reported AEFI cases, multiplying it by 100,000, and then dividing it by the total number of administered doses of the Hib vaccine.

    • From 2010 to 2021, a total of 52,910 AEFIs with the Hib vaccine were reported in China. Of these, 58.01% involved male recipients and 41.99% female recipients, yielding a male-to-female ratio of 1.38∶1. The distribution of AEFI reports by age group showed that 51.01% were in children under 1 year, 36.65% in 1-year-olds, and 12.35% in children aged 2 years or older. Geographically, 60.66% of the reports originated from the eastern regions, 27.53% from the central regions, and 11.81% from the western regions of China. Seasonally, AEFI reports varied across the quarters of the year, comprising 17.38% in the first quarter, 34.33% in the second, 32.70% in the third, and 15.59% in the fourth quarter. The analysis of AEFI reports by dose number revealed that 53.91% occurred after the first dose, 18.15% after the second, 14.97% after the third, and 12.97% after the fourth dose. Additionally, 25.76% of AEFI cases involved children who were concurrently vaccinated with other vaccines. The most commonly co-administered vaccines were the acellular DPT vaccine (7,392 cases, 13.97%), the polio vaccine (2,509 cases, 4.74%), and the meningococcal vaccine (1,407 cases, 2.66%). The timing of AEFI onset post-vaccination was predominantly within the first day (58.42%), followed by 2 to 3 days (39.98%), 4 to 14 days (1.14%), and 15 days or more (0.46%), as summarized in Table 1.

      Characteristics AEFI Serious AEFI Common vaccine
      Rare vaccine
      Number Proportion
      Number Proportion
      Number Proportion
      Number Proportion
      Male 30,693 58.01 252 59.29 27,953 57.99 2,253 58.29
      Female 22,217 41.99 173 40.71 20,250 42.01 1,612 41.71
      Age group
      <1 years 26,987 51.01 263 61.88 24,346 50.51 2,166 56.04
      1–2 years 19,390 36.65 128 30.12 17,697 36.71 1,399 36.20
      ≥2 years 6,533 12.35 34 8.00 6,160 12.78 300 7.76
      Eastern 32,094 60.66 198 46.59 29,208 60.59 2,415 62.48
      Central 14,566 27.53 147 34.59 13,543 28.10 848 21.94
      Western 6,250 11.81 80 18.82 5,452 11.31 602 15.58
      1 9,195 17.38 112 26.35 8,240 17.09 769 19.90
      2 18,166 34.33 105 24.71 16,679 34.60 1,237 32.01
      3 17,301 32.70 120 28.24 15,861 32.90 1,200 31.05
      4 8,248 15.59 88 20.71 7,423 15.40 659 17.05
      Dose number
      1 28,525 53.91 256 60.24 25,831 53.59 2,187 56.58
      2 9,601 18.15 80 18.82 8,631 17.91 818 21.16
      3 7,919 14.97 49 11.53 7,323 15.19 500 12.94
      4 6,865 12.97 40 9.41 6,418 13.31 360 9.31
      Vaccinated with other vaccines
      No 39,279 74.24 238 56.00 35,899 74.47 2,803 72.52
      Yes 13,631 25.76 187 44.00 12,304 25.53 1,062 27.48
      Onset time after vaccination
      0–1 day 30,912 58.42 218 51.29 27,914 57.91 2,504 64.79
      2–3 day 21,151 39.98 143 33.65 19,631 40.73 1,235 31.95
      4–14 day 604 1.14 47 11.06 478 0.99 81 2.10
      ≥15 day 243 0.46 17 4.00 180 0.37 45 1.16
      Total 52,910 100.00   425 100.00   48,203 100.00   3,865 100.00
      Abbreviation: AEFI=adverse events following immunization.

      Table 1.  Characteristics of Hib vaccine AEFI in China, 2010–2021.

    • Between 2010 and 2021, approximately 138.88 million doses of the Hib vaccine were administered in China. The reported overall rate of AEFIs was 38.10 per 100,000 doses. This rate fluctuated annually, with a low of 18.60 and a high of 50.25 per 100,000 doses. The breakdown of AEFI rates included: common vaccine reactions at 34.71 per 100,000 doses, rare vaccine reactions at 2.78 per 100,000, coincidental events at 0.57 per 100,000, psychogenic reactions at 0.005 per 100,000, suspected immunization error-related reactions at 0.004 per 100,000, and non-classifiable events at 0.02 per 100,000 doses. No event of vaccine quality defect-related reactions was reported. Incidence rates for serious AEFIs were 0.31 per 100,000 doses, for non-serious AEFIs were 37.79 per 100,000 doses, and for serious rare vaccine reactions were 0.16 per 100,000 doses, as detailed in Table 2.

      Year Classification by cause Seriousness Total
      Common vaccine reaction Rare vaccine reaction Coincidental
      Non-classifiable event Serious* Non-serious
      Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000) Number Incidence (/100,000)
      2010 1,872 16.46 180 1.58 58 0.51 1 0.01 0 0.00 4 0.04 33 0.29 2,082 18.31 2,115 18.60
      2011 3,840 26.68 278 1.93 59 0.41 1 0.01 0 0.00 0 0.00 34 0.24 4,144 28.80 4,178 29.03
      2012 5,196 37.09 390 2.79 79 0.56 0 0.00 1 0.01 0 0.00 44 0.31 5,622 40.13 5,666 40.44
      2013 5,871 40.13 500 3.42 83 0.57 1 0.01 0 0.00 2 0.01 46 0.31 6,411 43.82 6,457 44.14
      2014 5,612 36.22 572 3.69 100 0.65 3 0.02 0 0.00 5 0.03 59 0.38 6,233 40.23 6,292 40.61
      2015 5,068 32.46 483 3.09 93 0.60 0 0.00 1 0.01 1 0.01 39 0.25 5,607 35.92 5,646 36.17
      2016 4,155 40.79 356 3.49 69 0.68 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.03 49 0.48 4,534 44.51 4,583 44.99
      2017 3,627 32.51 301 2.70 61 0.55 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.04 30 0.27 3,963 35.53 3,993 35.79
      2018 3,983 38.11 315 3.01 59 0.56 0 0.00 0 0.00 7 0.07 30 0.29 4,334 41.47 4,364 41.75
      2019 3,766 46.25 244 3.00 81 0.99 0 0.00 1 0.01 0 0.00 26 0.32 4,066 49.94 4,092 50.25
      2020 3,110 45.54 162 2.37 31 0.45 1 0.01 1 0.01 4 0.06 25 0.37 3,284 48.09 3,309 48.46
      2021 2,103 31.78 84 1.27 25 0.38 0 0.00 1 0.02 2 0.03 10 0.15 2,205 33.32 2,215 33.47
      Total 48,203 34.71 3,865 2.78 798 0.57 7 0.005 5 0.004 32 0.02 425 0.31 52,485 37.79 52,910 38.10
      Abbreviation: AEFI=adverse events following immunization.
      * Among serious AEFI, there were 224 cases of serious rare vaccine reactions, representing an incidence of 0.16 per 100,000 doses.

      Table 2.  Number and incidence per 100,000 doses of Hib vaccine AEFI by year, causality, and severity in China, 2010–2021.

    • The study identified 48,203 cases of common vaccine reactions. Fever (axillary temperature ≥38.6 ℃), injection site redness and swelling (diameter >2.5 cm), and injection site induration (diameter >2.5 cm) represented 34.38%, 27.91%, and 9.74% of these reactions respectively, with incidence rates per 100,000 doses of 11.93, 9.69, and 3.38. Additional reported reactions accounted for 4.67% of the total. The five most commonly observed symptoms among these additional reactions were rash (16.80%), crying (11.38%), vomiting (6.71%), pruritus (4.31%), and diarrhea (3.91%), as detailed in Table 3. The majority of the common vaccine reactions occurred within three days post-vaccination, with proportions of 99.08% for fever, 98.75% for injection site redness and swelling, and 97.93% for injection site induration.

      Clinical diagnosis Number Proportion (%) Incidence (/100,000)
      Common vaccine reactions
      Fever (axillary temperature)
      ≥38.6 ℃ 16,573 34.38 11.93
      Injection site redness and swelling (diameter)
      2.6–5.0 cm 10,304 21.38 7.42
      >5.0 cm 3,149 6.53 2.27
      Injection site induration (diameter)
      2.6–5.0 cm 3,658 7.59 2.63
      >5.0 cm 1,038 2.15 0.75
      Other common vaccine reactions 2,250 4.67 1.62
      Rare vaccine reactions
      Allergic reactions
      Allergic rash 3,365 87.06 2.42
      Angioedema 142 3.67 0.10
      Anaphylactic shock 14 0.36 0.01
      Laryngeal edema 5 0.13 0.004
      Other allergic reactions 66 1.71 0.05
      Nervous system diseases
      Febrile convulsion 71 1.84 0.05
      Convulsion 11 0.28 0.01
      GBS 3 0.08 0.002
      ADEM 3 0.08 0.002
      Polyneuritis 2 0.05 0.001
      Local reactions
      Sterile abscess 27 0.70 0.02
      Arthus reaction 7 0.18 0.01
      Lymphangitis and lymphadenitis 4 0.10 0.003
       Other rare vaccine reactions
       TP 67 1.73 0.05
       HSP 14 0.36 0.01
       Others 64 1.66 0.05
      Total 52,068 100.00 37.49
      Abbreviation: GBS=Guillain-Barre syndrome; ADEM=acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; TP=thrombocytopenic purpura; HSP=Henoch-Schonlein purpura.

      Table 3.  Number, proportion and incidence of reported Hib vaccine reactions in China, 2010–2021.

    • Among the rare reactions to vaccination, the incidence of allergic reactions was reported as 2.60 per 100,000 doses; specifically, the rates of allergic rash, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, and laryngeal edema were 2.42, 0.10, 0.01, and 0.004 per 100,000 doses, respectively. Reports of nervous system reactions were 0.07 per 100,000 doses, with specific incidences of febrile convulsion, convulsion, Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) at 0.05, 0.01, 0.002, and 0.002 per 100,000 doses, respectively. Local reaction rates, which included sterile abscess, Arthus reaction, lymphangitis and lymphadenitis, were recorded as 0.02, 0.01, and 0.003 per 100,000 doses, respectively. Incidences of thrombocytopenic purpura (TP) and Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP) were documented at 0.05 and 0.01 per 100,000 doses, respectively (Table 3). Additionally, there were two reported cases of TP in two distinct vaccine batches.

      The proportions of allergic rash, HSP, TP, febrile convulsion, GBS, polyneuritis, and sterile abscess occurring within three days post-vaccination were 98.16%, 85.71%, 65.67%, 98.59%, 33.33%, 50.00%, and 11.11%, respectively. Additionally, laryngeal edema, ADEM, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, convulsion, and Arthus reactions all occurred within this timeframe following vaccination.

    • The CNIIS serves as the principal platform for AEFI surveillance across Chinese mainland. It compiles comprehensive data on AEFI reports and vaccine doses administered for all post-marketed vaccines, which is pivotal for the quantitative analysis of AEFI. Our study, utilizing data from CNIIS, revealed that AEFIs with the Hib vaccine were more frequently reported in males, within the eastern region, and during the second and third quarters of the year. This distribution mirrors the trend observed in AEFI reports for other vaccines that are market-authorized in China (4). Predominantly, AEFIs with the Hib vaccine occurred in infants, aligning with the typical age for Hib vaccination, and was higher in proportion after the administration of the first dose. Other studies indicate that the AEFI rate was more prevalent following the second and subsequent doses — a trend potentially linked to the cellular immune memory responses (5). Additionally, our analysis showed that 25% of Hib vaccine doses were administered concomitantly with other vaccines. The WHO’s position paper indicates Hib vaccines are safe and effective when given simultaneously with other vaccines (1).

      From 2010 to 2021, the incidence of reported AEFI with the Hib vaccine was 38.10 per 100,000 doses. This rate was lower compared to the incidence reported in Australia in 2020, which was 69.4 per 100,000 doses (6). Studies conducted in China indicated higher incidences of AEFI for the combined DTP-IPV/Hib vaccine compared to our findings for the standalone Hib vaccine (45,7). Our data showed that annual reported incidences ranged from 18.60 to 50.25 per 100,000 doses, with an initially increasing trend that later stabilized. Notably, the highest incidence of AEFI was recorded in 2019, coinciding with an overall increase in AEFI reports for all post-marketed vaccines that year (8), possibly due to heightened societal concerns and enhanced surveillance of AEFI. The subsequent decrease in the number and incidence of AEFI reports in 2021 may be attributable to the impact on AEFI surveillance and immunization program services amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. In the same year, the incidence of rare reactions also decreased to 1.27 per 100,000. Furthermore, serious AEFIs were reported at a rate of 0.31 per 100,000 doses, and the incidence of serious rare vaccine reactions (0.16 per 100,000) aligned with the average incidences reported for other vaccines in China (4). It is important to note, however, that incidences of AEFI across different countries and regions are not directly comparable due to variations in AEFI reporting systems and methodologies.

      The majority (91%) of the AEFI with Hib vaccination were common vaccine reactions. These included local reactions such as redness, swelling, induration, and rash at the injection site, along with systemic reactions such as fever, crying, and vomiting. These findings align with similar observations reported in the United States (9) and various regions of China (5,7). Our analysis indicated that 98% of these common vaccine reactions occurred within three days post-vaccination, consistent with previous national AEFI reports (4). Most of these reactions were either effectively managed with treatment or resolved spontaneously.

      Allergic reactions were identified as the most commonly reported rare vaccine reactions, exhibiting a reporting rate of 2.60 per 100,000. This rate was significantly lower compared to that observed in the Yinzhou District of Ningbo City, which stands at 18.4 per 100,000 (10). Among these, allergic rash accounted for 87% of the cases, with the majority being non-serious, of short duration, and resolving favorably. The reported incidence of angioedema, at 0.10 per 100,000, was slightly higher than the incidence of other vaccines in China (4). Cases of anaphylaxis, including manifestations such as anaphylactic shock and laryngeal edema, were exceedingly rare, recorded at 0.01 per 100,000. This incidence was considerably lower than the rates of anaphylaxis reported in the United States, which range from 0.2 to 1.5 per 1,000,000 (1112). Most anaphylactic reactions occurred within thirty minutes following vaccination and could pose a life-threatening risk if not promptly managed. Consequently, a post-vaccination observation period of 30 minutes is crucial to timely identify and address any cases of immediate anaphylaxis.

      AEFI involving the nervous system are a significant concern post-vaccination. The incidence of nervous system events post-Hib vaccination was reported to be relatively low at 0.07 per 100,000 doses. Febrile convulsions, which generally have a favorable prognosis, emerged as the most common nervous system reaction in our study. These were reported at a rate of 0.05 per 100,000 doses, a figure that aligns with the incidences of similar reactions to other vaccines used in China (4) and is notably lower than the rate of febrile convulsions following the DPT-IPV/Hib vaccine in Zhejiang province, which stands at 0.50 per 100,000. The incidence of other neurological events such as GBS and ADEM was exceedingly rare, not exceeding 0.01 per 100,000 doses. Furthermore, no causal link has been established between these neurological conditions and the Hib vaccine. Based on these findings, we advocate for the continuation of vigilant neurological event surveillance following Hib vaccination.

      Other rare vaccine reactions have also been reported. In our study, the incidence of TP was 0.05 per 100,000 doses, aligning with the average incidence reported for other vaccines in China (4). Comparatively, a survey in France examining TP cases among individuals under 18 years from 2009 to 2011 identified an incidence of 2.9 per 100,000 person-years, with the highest incidence occurring between ages 1 and 5 (13). However, the diagnostic criteria for TP differ between China and other countries, complicating direct comparisons. The incidence of HSP with Hib vaccine in our study was 0.01 per 100,000, slightly lower than the average incidence observed across other vaccines in China (4). Meanwhile, studies in Sweden and France indicated an annual incidence of HSP in children under 15 years of age ranging from 17.5 to 30 per 100,000 doses (1415). The WHO position paper on the Hib vaccine has not identified any safety concerns (1).

      This study is subject to some limitations. Passive surveillance systems, such as the one used in this research, are inherently vulnerable to underreporting. Additionally, inaccuracies in data entry and variations in the quality of causality assessments, particularly for non-NIP vaccines, may affect the reliability of our findings. Furthermore, we were unable to ascertain the incidence of AEFI among different subgroups due to the lack of available data regarding the number of Hib vaccine doses administered to these subgroups. Our analysis was also confined to the evaluation of AEFI with monovalent Hib vaccines, thereby excluding combination vaccines from our study. Despite these limitations, the extensive administration of monovalent Hib vaccine doses across China lends substantial support to the robustness of our safety evaluation for this vaccine.

      In conclusion, the predominant adverse reactions with the Hib vaccine included fever, injection site reactions, and other common vaccine-related symptoms. The incidence of rare adverse reactions was exceedingly low, primarily consisting of allergic rashes. Serious reactions were extremely uncommon. It is imperative to conduct AEFI surveillance and improve the quality of reporting systems. The favorable safety profile of the Hib vaccine advocates for its broader implementation in China.

    • No conflicts of interest.

    • The staff at the provincial, prefectural, and county CDCs, as well as all the vaccination clinics involved in conducting the adverse event surveillance. Also, Lance Rodewald, senior consultant at China CDC, for his insightful comments and recommendations on the manuscript.

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