Diseases Cases Deaths Plague 0 0 Cholera 0 0 SARS-CoV 0 0 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome† 4,937 1,741 Hepatitis 142,746 96 Hepatitis A 1,114 0 Hepatitis B 116,400 19 Hepatitis C 21,597 76 Hepatitis D 19 0 Hepatitis E 3,006 1 Other hepatitis 610 0 Poliomyelitis 0 0 Human infection with H5N1 virus 0 0 Measles 85 0 Epidemic hemorrhagic fever 305 1 Rabies 14 11 Japanese encephalitis 1 0 Dengue 9 0 Anthrax 19 0 Dysentery 2,794 0 Tuberculosis 72,846 335 Typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever 452 0 Meningococcal meningitis 11 0 Pertussis 1,074 0 Diphtheria 0 0 Neonatal tetanus 1 0 Scarlet fever 1,102 0 Brucellosis 7,677 0 Gonorrhea 7,931 0 Syphilis 48,926 1 Leptospirosis 8 0 Schistosomiasis 1 0 Malaria 189 0 Human infection with H7N9 virus 0 0 Influenza 1,677,011 31 Mumps 7,028 0 Rubella 75 0 Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis 2,210 0 Leprosy 41 0 Typhus 119 0 Kala azar 34 1 Echinococcosis 347 0 Filariasis 0 0 Infectious diarrhea§ 103,060 0 Hand, foot and mouth disease 20,105 0 Total 2,101,158 2,217 * According to the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is not included.
† The number of deaths of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is the number of all-cause deaths reported in the month by cumulative reported AIDS patients.
§ Infectious diarrhea excludes cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever.
The numbers of cases and cause-specific deaths refer to data recorded in National Notifiable Disease Reporting System in China, which includes both clinically-diagnosed cases and laboratory-confirmed cases. Only reported cases of the 31 provincial-level administrative divisions in Chinese mainland are included in the table, whereas data of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan, China are not included. Monthly statistics are calculated without annual verification which is usually conducted in February of the next year for de-duplication and verification of reported cases in annual statistics. Therefore, 12-month cases could not be added together directly to calculate the cumulative cases because the individual information might be verified via National Notifiable Disease Reporting System according to information verification or field investigations by local CDCs.
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