China has adhered to its dynamic COVID-zero policy and strategies to tackle both imported and domestic infections since the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (1). Based on the Protocol on Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019, China has systematically conducted severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) genome surveillance on the virus strains causing domestic outbreaks and imported virus strains (2). Surveillance data confirmed that all domestic cases of sporadic and outbreaks in China after May 2020 were caused by imported cases or imported contaminated SARS-CoV-2 cargoes (3).
Since the Omicron variants were reported in November 2021, different Omicron lineages have circulated around the world, reflecting their strong transmission ability (4). As the global number of infections continues to increase and vaccination rates improve, numerous studies and clinical data have indicated that the pathogenicity of Omicron is significantly reduced compared to the original strain and other variants of concern (VOCs) such as the Delta variant (5). In December 2022, China optimized and adjusted its epidemic prevention and control policies according to the characteristics of Omicron and the global epidemic trend. Following this, the number of infections in China increased significantly.
In this study, we analyzed the prevalence of Omicron lineages in domestic and imported cases before and after the adjustment of China’s dynamic COVID-zero policy in China. This provided information about the source and evolution of SARS-CoV-2 variants Omicron during this period.
From September 26, 2022 to January 29, 2023, 20,013 valid genome sequences of COVID-19 from domestic cases were reported by all 31 PLADs and XPCC, with 72 lineages. The predominant lineages were BA.5.2.48 (52.42%), BF.7.14 (22.70%), and BA.5.2.49 (16.30%), followed by 15 other lineages with proportions ranging from 0.11% to 2.46%, including BA.5.2, BA.2.76, BF.7, BA.5.1, BA.5.2.1, BA.2.75.2, BF.21, BN.1.3, BA.2.3, BA.5.2.20, BQ.1.10, BA.2.12.1, BF.11, BM.2, and BA.2.2. Additionally, 54 minority lineages with proportions below 0.10% accounted for 1.07% (Figure 1A). The proportion of BA.5.2.48 gradually increased from 7.14% (September 26–October 2, 2022) to 68.71% (January 23–28, 2023), while the proportion of BA.5.2.49 declined from 44.16% (October 3–9, 2022) to approximately 6%. Additionally, the proportion of BF.7.14 rose from 7.58% (October 17–23, 2022) to 34.07% (December 5–11, 2022), before decreasing to 22.70% (January 23–28, 2023) (Figure 1A).
Figure 1.Dynamic trends of SARS-CoV-2 lineages of domestic cases in China. (A) All lineages; (B) BA.5.2 and descendent lineages, and BF.7 and descendent lineages.
Note: Collection date interval was from September 26, 2022 to January 28, 2023. The data were derived from valid SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences of domestic and imported cases submitted by PLADs with a deadline date of January 29, 2023. The numbers marked on the right of the figure represent the number of valid genome sequences per week for all lineages. “Other” refers to lineages with proportions of Omicron variants less than 0.1% of domestic cases. The other 54 lineages include BA.2.75.1, XBB.1, BN.1.5, BY.1, BS.1.1, BA.5.2.27, BQ.1.1, BA.2, BA.5.1.7, BQ.1.2, BA.5.9, BE.1, BA.5.1.23, BF.5, BN.1.2, BA.5.2.26, BE.1.1, BQ.1.8, BQ.1.23, BA.5, BF.23, BQ.1, BF.4, BA.5.6, BE.4, BN.2, BQ.1.5, BF.7.5, BM.1.1, BF.18, BN.1, BA.5.2.34, BF.26, BA.5.2.6, BN.1.9, BA.5.2.28, BA.2.75.8, BA.5.2.16, BA.2.38, BS.1, XBB.1.2, BA.5.1.3, BA.5.2.21, BA.5.2.7, BA.2.3.20, BA.5.1.30, BA.2.5, BA.2.75.9, BA.2.2.1, CA.3, BQ.1.13, BA.5.2.12, BN.1.1, and BQ.1.1.17.
Abbreviations: SARS-CoV-2=severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; PLADs=provincial-level administrative divisions.
BA.5.2 and its descendant lineages, including BA.5.2, BA.5.2.1, BA.5.2.12, BA.5.2.16, BA.5.2.20, BA.5.2.21, BA.5.2.26, BA.5.2.27, BA.5.2.28, BA.5.2.34, BA.5.2.48, BA.5.2.49, BA.5.2.6, and BA.5.2.7 (Figure 1B), increased from 47.54% (September 26–October 2, 2022) to 82.66% (October 17–23, 2022), then decreased to 62.97% (October 31–November 6, 2022), increased again to 81.43% (November 14–20, 2022), and then decreased to 58.81% (December 5–11, 2022), finally reaching about 76%. BF.7 and its descendant lineages, including BF.7, BF.7.5, and BF.7.14 (Figure 1B), decreased from 21.92% (September 26–October 2, 2022) to 8.08% (October 17–23, 2022), then increased to 22.31% (October 31–November 6, 2022), decreased again to 15.37% (November 14–20, 2022), and then rose to 39.15% (December 5–11, 2022), finally reaching about 24%. When considering BA.5.2 and its descendant lineages and BF.7 and its descendant lineages together, their proportions increased from 69.46% (September 26–October 2, 2022) to about 100.00% (January 23–28, 2023).
Local BQ.1 and its descendent lineages (BQ.1.1, BQ.1.2, BQ.1.5, BQ.1.8, BQ.1.10, BQ.1.13, BQ.1.23, and BQ.1.1.17) were identified from October 10, 2022, with a total of 63 relative cases. Of these, BQ.1.10 and BQ.1.1 accounted for 50.79% (32/63) and 14.29% (9/63), respectively. Local XBB.1 and XBB.1.2 were identified from October 14, 2022, with a total of 16 relative cases.
From September 26, 2022 to January 29, 2023, a total of 1,978 valid genome sequences of COVID-19 imported cases were reported, with 169 evolutionary lineages. BA.5 and its descendant lineages were dominant in the imported mutant strains. Among them, BA.5.2, BF.7, BQ.1.1 (and BQ.1.2), and XBB.1 variants accounted for 18.17%, 8.63%, 11.26%, 7.57%, and 6.76% of imported cases, respectively (Figure 2).
Figure 2.Dynamic trends of SARS-CoV-2 lineages of imported cases from September 26, 2022 to January 21, 2023.
Note: Data were derived from valid SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences of domestic cases submitted by PLADs with a deadline of January 29, 2023. Numbers marked on the right of the figure represent the number of valid genome sequences per week for all lineages. “Other” refers to lineages with proportions of Omicron variants less than 0.5% of imported cases. The other 158 lineages included BA.5.2.47, XBB.3, CM.12, BN.1.4, BQ.1.12, XBB.1.1, BA.5.9, BF.7.4.1, BQ.1.8, BN.1.5, BQ.1.25, BF.7.5, BA.2.75.5, CK.1, BQ.1.1.4, BE.1, BA.4.6, BN.1.9, BQ.1.11, BF.11, BN.1.3.1, BF.21, XBB.1.4, BA.5.2.19, BA.5.2.43, BQ.1.1.31, CM.4, BA.5.2.16, BQ.1.13, BA.5.2.28, BA.5.6, BA.2, BQ.1.1.1, BF.7.4, CM.5, BA.5, BF.28, BL.1, BF.7.6, BQ.1.14, BQ.1.1.3, BA.5.2.9, BA.5.2.24, BA.5.2.7, CK.2.1, BA.5.1.30, BQ.1.1.8, BF.4, BA.2.3.7, BA.5.2.36, BF.14, CP.1, BA.4, XBB.1.3, CM.2, BA.2.10.1, BA.5.1.22, BY.1, BA.5.1.10, CH.1.1.1, BQ.1.3, DQ.1, CR.1.1, BN.3.1, XBF, XBB.1.9, BW.1.1, BQ.1.24, BA.5.1.25, BA.5.2.3, BA.5.6.4, BE.1.1.1, BA.5.2.26, BS.1, BA.5.1.24, BA.5.1.6, BA.5.1.5, BA.5.2.13, BL.1.4, BM.1.1.3, DA.1, BA.5.2.25, BN.6, BQ.1.13.1, CN.1, CR.1.3, BA.5.5, BA.5.2.23, BA.5.1.28, BQ.1.1.13, BR.2, CR.1, BE.8, CK.2.1.1, BN.1.1, BF.26, BE.4.2, CM.5.1, BN.1.1.1, BQ.1.1.10, BE.1.4.2, CK.1.2, BF.7.15, BQ.1.27, BA.5.2.18, CZ.1, BA.2.75, BA.4.7, BM.1.1.1, BA.5.1.31, XBB.3.1, BA.5.3.1, BA.5.2.44, BA.4.1.8, BA.5.1.9, BF.31.1, XBB.4, BA.2.75.8, BA.5.2.21, BA.2.2, BA.5.2.14, BS.1.1, BM.4.1.1, XBB.2.1, BQ.1.1.22, CM.8.1, BF.11.2, BM.1.1, XBB.3.2, BE.10, BM.1, BA.5.5.1, BJ.1, BL.2, DG.1, XBB.2.2, BU.1, BQ.1.22, CJ.1, BF.7.13.2, BE.7, BQ.1.7, BQ.1.26, BA.5.1.1, BR.3, BQ.1.1.27, BF.25, BA.5.2.32, DE.2, BQ.1.1.2, BL.6, BQ.1.10.1, BQ.1.1.5, CH.1.1.3, BQ.1.1.32, BA.5.1.3, BN.1.3.2, and BE.9.
Abbreviation: SARS-CoV-2=severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; PLADs=provincial-level administrative divisions.
From December 1, 2022 to January 29, 2023, the 31 PLADs and XPCC reported 11,311 valid SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences from domestic cases, with 26 evolutionary lineages in total. The most prevalent lineages were BA.5.2.48 (62.08%) and BF.7.14 (26.95%), followed by 6 other lineages, BA.5.2.49, BA.5.2, BF.7, BA.5.1, BA.2.76, and BA.5.2.20, with proportions ranging from 0.16% to 6.88%. The remaining 18 lineages accounted for 0.42%. No novel SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants with altered biological properties or of public health significance were identified since December 1, 2022.
Table 1 shows that 54.55% of the cases were male, 37.03% were female, and 8.42% were unknown. The 19–60-year age group had the highest proportion (39.49%), followed by the 61–80-year age group (22.04%). The numbers of subjects in the <4 and 4–18-year age groups were similar, and 10.15% of the subjects had no information regarding their age. From December 1, 2022, the number of subjects gradually increased to 2,342 cases (January 5–11, 2023). The main lineages after December 2022 were BA.5.2.48 and BF.7.14, which together accounted for 89.03% of the total.
Variable Number Proportion (%) Gender Male 6,170 54.55 Female 4,189 37.03 Unknown 952 8.42 Age (years) <4 786 6.95 4–18 961 8.50 19–60 4,467 39.49 61–80 2,493 22.04 >80 1,456 12.87 Unknown 1,148 10.15 Periods 2022/12/1–2022/12/7 1,190 10.52 2022/12/8–2022/12/14 739 6.53 2022/12/15–2022/12/21 1,254 11.09 2022/12/22–2022/12/28 1,748 15.45 2022/12/29–2023/1/4 2,011 17.78 2023/1/5–2023/1/11 2,342 20.71 2023/1/12–2023/1/18 1,546 13.67 2023/1/19–2023/1/25 465 4.11 2023/1/26–2023/1/28 16 0.14 Lineages BA.5.2.48 7,022 62.08 BF.7.14 3,048 26.95 BA.5.2.49 778 6.88 BA.5.2 231 2.04 BF.7 106 0.94 Other* 126 1.11 Total 11,311 100 * “Other” refers to lineages with proportions of Omicron variants less than 1% of imported cases. The other 158 lineages include BA.5.1, BA.2.76, BA.5.2.20, BA.5.2.1, BN.1.3, Q.1.2, BQ.1.1, BN.1.5, BQ.1.8, BN.1, BA.5.2.6, BA.5, BA.2, XBB.1, BQ.1.1.17, BN.1.2, BN.1.1, BF.18, BA.5.2.12, BA.2.75.2, and BA.2.12.1. Table 1. Basic information of domestic cases in China from December 1, 2022 to January 29, 2023.
Overall, BF.7 and its descendant lineages were predominant in Beijing and Tianjin Municipalities. The prevalence rates of BF.7 and its descendant lineages and BA.5.2 and its descendant lineages in Jiangsu Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region were approximately equal. BA.5.2 and its descendant lineages were predominant in other PLADs (Figure 3).
Figure 3.Surveillance of the epidemic variant of SARS-CoV-2 in all PLADs and XPCC in China.
Note: Collection date interval was from September 26, 2022 to January 28, 2023. The data were derived from the valid genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2 of indigenous cases submitted by PLADs with a deadline of January 29, 2023.
Abbreviation: SARS-CoV-2=severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; PLADs=provincial-level administrative divisions; XPCC=Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.
According to the latest data from the Pango nomenclature, the strain BF.7 was identified as containing four characteristic amino acid mutation sites (ORF7a:H47Y, ORF1b:L238F, S:C1243F, and ORF1a:V274L) and one characteristic nucleotide mutation site (C29632T), and was designated BF.7.14.
Among the domestic cases, the lineages of BF.7.14 accounted for 99.52%, suggesting that the main prevalence of BF.7 was BF.7.14. In the imported cases, BF.7.14 lineages accounted for 61.90%, indicating that BF.7.14 had been found in the imported cases from international sources to our country. The earliest reported BF.7.14 domestic cases were from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on September 27, 2022. Subsequent cases were mainly distributed between November 21 and December 6, 2022, and from December 19, 2022 to January 19, 2023. The earliest reported BF.7.14 imported case was from Belarus on September 25, 2022. Subsequent BF.7.14 imported cases were mainly concentrated in December 2022 (Figure 4A).
Figure 4.Distribution of domestic and imported cases in (A) BF.7.14 lineage and (B) BA.5.2.48 lineage based on sampling time.
According to the latest data from Pango nomenclature, BA.5.2 containing four additional characteristic nucleotide acid mutation sites (C2710T, C8626T, C16887T, and T17208C) was named BA.5.2.48. The BA.5.2.48 subvariants accounted for 69.18% of BA.5.2 in domestic cases and 9.08% in imported cases in China. The earliest domestic case of BA.5.2.48 was reported in Guangdong Province on July 13, 2022. The earliest reported BA.5.2.48 imported case was a case who entered the country from Russia on August 15, 2022 (Figure 4B).
The chi-square test revealed statistically significant differences in the proportions of three clinical types of cases (asymptomatic, mild, and severe) between BA.5.2 and BF.7 (P<0.05) (Table 2). The proportions of asymptomatic and severe cases of BA.5.2 were higher than those of BF.7, while the proportion of mild cases was lower than that of BF.7. Additionally, there was no statistically significant difference in the proportions of the clinical type cases of ordinary and death between BA.5.2 and BF.7.
Clinical type BA.5.2 BF.7 χ2 P Number Proportion (%) Number Proportion (%) Asymptomatic 290 5.69 68 3.84 9.141 0.002 Mild 2,516 49.40 970 54.77 15.162 <0.001 Ordinary 1,052 20.66 362 20.44 0.037 0.847 Severe 1,220 23.95 368 20.78 7.450 0.006 Death 15 0.29 3 0.17 0.381 0.537 Total 5,093 100 1,771 100 Note: Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding. Table 2. The relationship between clinical types and genotypes in domestic cases of China from December 1, 2022 to January 29, 2023.
The Dynamic Trend of SARS-CoV-2 Variants from Domestic Cases in China
The Dynamic Trend of SARS-CoV-2 Variants from Imported Cases
Genomic Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Among Domestic Cases in Each PLAD from December 1, 2022 to January 29, 2023
Prevalence of BF.7.14 and BA.5.2.48 in China
Relationship between Clinical Types and Genotypes in Domestic Cases
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