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ISSN 2096-7071 (Print)

ISSN 2097-3101 (Online)

CN 10-1629/R1

IF (2023): 4.3

Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

SCIE: Q1 (47/403)

SSCI: Q1 (47/403)

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Instructions for Authors

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For Authors

Thank you for your interest in submitting a report to CCDC Weekly.  Please follow the steps below to ensure smooth processing of your submission.

1. Consult the Instructions

Before submitting a report, authors should carefully read and follow the instructions for submitting to the CCDC Weekly or Serial Publications (i.e. Recommendations, Surveillance Summary, and Supplements).  Reports submitted to the CCDC Weekly that do not follow these instructions will be returned to the authors for rewriting and resubmission.

Weekly Publications Instructions

2. Use the Checklist

Before submitting your report, read the Instructions for Authors carefully to ensure you have met all the criteria. Please note that the Conflict of Interest Form will be included with your submission, and the Evidence of China CDC Clearance should also be submitted with the form if you are submitting reports with China CDC authors.

Conflict of Interest Form  Evidence of China CDC Clearance

3. Submit Your Manuscript

CCDC Weekly uses ScholarOne Manuscripts for submission and tracking (manuscripts submitted via email will be returned).  After submitting, you will receive an email with your manuscript number. Please use this manuscript number in all further correspondence. 

CCDC Weekly ScholarOne Manuscripts

CCDC Weekly is an open access journal that allows for the free reading and redistribution of the articles.

If you have any questions, please contact

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