Pneumococcal diseases (PDs) have become a serious public health problem worldwide. According to the latest research data released by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018, about 294,000 children under the age of 5 died from Streptococcus pneumonia (Spn) infection globally (1). WHO asserts that pneumococcal vaccination is the most cost-effective way to prevent pneumococcal diseases. The infrequent occurrence of adverse vaccine side effects, lack of understanding, and distribution of misinformation, however, have led to a decline in the public’s trust in vaccines in recent years, an increase in parents’ vaccine hesitancy, and even more vaccine hesitancy in non-national immunization programs (2). In China, the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) was officially launched in 2020. Until now, no study has focused on PCV13 vaccine hesitancy in China. In 2021, the Government of Weifang City, Shandong Province, launched the first program in China to vaccinate registered children from 6 months to 2 years old with a free dose of domestic PCV13. Based on this innovative immunization strategy, we analyzed PCV13 vaccine hesitancy and influential factors for parents when making vaccine decisions for their children. The study found that 29.7% of participants were hesitant to vaccinate their children against PCV13. The most important reason for vaccine hesitancy is lack of knowledge about the vaccine.
Based on data from the children’s vaccination information management system in Weifang City, Shandong Province, this study calculated the birth population and the children being vaccinated in each vaccination clinic in 2021. By systematic sampling method, this study selected a total of 57 vaccination clinics from 12 counties as survey sites. All participants were surveyed after their informed consent. The sample size required for this survey was estimated according to the cross-sectional survey formula with an absolute tolerance error of d=3.0%. Considering that participants might reject the survey because their children were too young, the rejection rate was estimated to be 10.0%. Therefore, the final sample size was estimated to be 1,174. The specific calculation formula and the inclusion and exclusion criteria of participants are outlined in a previously published article (3).
After literature screening, research group discussions, and expert consultation, we designed the questionnaire. Pre-investigation was conducted prior to a formal investigation and all investigators were trained uniformly to the same standards. The investigators used the Pad that had been imported into the questionnaire to conduct the investigation. The questionnaire included six main aspects: sociodemographic characteristics of participants, participants’ perceptions of vaccine knowledge, knowledge of pneumonia and pneumococcal vaccine, willingness to receive pneumococcal vaccine, willingness to pay for pneumococcal vaccine, visiting behavior of children with pneumonia. It is important to note that if participants had multiple children, the study was aimed at the youngest child in the family.
SPSS (version 22.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used to complete all data sorting, and classification variables were expressed in frequency (percentage). Chi-square test was used for comparison. Binary logistic regression model was used to analyze the related factors of pneumococcal vaccine hesitation. All statistical methods were adopted by the two-tailed test, and P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. To analyze the reasons for vaccine hesitancy, the WHO vaccine hesitancy determinants matrix was used for judgment (4), which mainly included three categories: contextual, individual and group, and vaccine/vaccination-specific influences.
A total of 1,195 questionnaires were collected in this survey, of which 1,110 were valid, with an effective questionnaire rate of 93.0%. Among the 1,110 participants, more than half were 31 to 40 years old (52.1%), 35.4% were fathers, 61.0% were mothers, and 3.5% were grandparents. Among the participants, 780 (70.2%) were willing to vaccinate their children against PCV13, 121 (10.8%) participants were not willing to vaccinate their children against PCV13, and 209 (18.8%) participants were not sure whether to vaccinate children against PCV13. Therefore, 70.2% of participants were identified as PCV13 vaccine recipients and 29.7% were identified as vaccine hesitators.
A total of 308 parents were unwilling to vaccinate their children against PCV13 due to individual and group influences, which accounted for the largest portion (Figure 1). As presented in Table 1, among the vaccine hesitators, 249 people did not know about the vaccine (A1), 92 people were uncertain about the vaccine’s effects (C2) and 84 people were uncertain about the safety of the vaccine (C3).
Figure 1.Reasons of hesitancy in 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in Weifang, Shandong Province, China.
Reason No. of participants Proportion (%) A: Individual and group influences A1: I don’t know much about 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 249 75.5 A2: I don’t know where to get 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 1 0.3 A3: The children are healthy and do not need the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 45 13.6 A4: Children with allergies or contraindications cannot receive the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 9 2.7 A5: Children were considered too young to receive the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 4 1.2 B: Contextual influences B1: Participants’ work schedule or traveling distance from home to vaccination clinic prevent them from having their children receive the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 13 3.9 B2: Whether children should receive the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine should be discussed with family members 7 2.1 B3: Participants are not willing to pay the vaccination fee on their own 1 0.3 C: Vaccine/vaccination-specific influences C1: The 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is expensive 33 10.0 C2: The efficacy of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is uncertain 92 27.9 C3: The safety of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is uncertain 84 25.5 C4: The 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is not included in the immunization program 2 0.6 C5: The 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is not mandatory 1 0.3 Note: The study used multiple-choice questions to analyze the reasons for vaccine hesitancy, so the sum of these three categories was not 100%. Table 1. Distribution of reasons for 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine hesitancy among study participants in Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.
As presented in Table 2, PCV13 vaccine hesitancy among participants who thought vaccination was important was significantly lower than among those who thought vaccination was not important (28.5% vs. 64.1%, P<0.001). PCV13 vaccine hesitancy among participants who were willing to pay for the PCV13 vaccine also was significantly lower than among those who were not willing to pay (19.6% vs. 55.6%, P<0.001). Participants who could clearly distinguish between the PCV13 vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine were less hesitant toward the PCV13 vaccine (25.2% vs. 39.9%, P<0.001).
Characteristic N (%) PCV13 vaccine hesitancy χ2 P Yes No N % N % Relationship between participant and child Mother 677 (60.9) 198 29.2 479 70.8 1.499 0.473 Father 394 (35.4) 117 29.7 277 70.3 Grandparent 39 (3.5) 15 38.5 24 61.5 Participants’ medical education background Yes 142 (12.7) 38 26.8 104 73.2 0.687 0.407 No 968 (87.2) 292 30.2 676 69.8 Participants’ age (years) ≤30 454 (40.9) 115 25.3 339 74.7 7.655 0.022 31–40 579 (52.1) 187 32.3 392 67.7 ≥41 77 (6.9) 28 36.4 49 63.6 Participants’ education level Elementary school and below 23 (2.0) 12 52.2 11 47.8 18.619 0.001 Junior high school 256 (23.0) 92 35.9 164 64.1 High school/technical school/technical secondary school 271 (24.4) 88 32.5 183 67.5 Junior college/bachelor’s degree 529 (47.6) 132 25.0 397 75.0 Graduate degree 31 (2.7) 6 19.4 25 80.6 Children’s gender Male 585 (52.7) 176 30.1 409 69.9 0.075 0.793 Female 525 (47.2) 154 29.3 371 70.7 Type of family Single child family 472 (42.5) 121 25.6 351 74.4 6.589 0.012 Non-single child family 638 (57.4) 209 32.8 429 67.2 Average annual family income (CNY) <50,000 207 (18.6) 81 39.1 126 60.9 14.431 0.001 50,000–150,000 (not contained) 669 (60.2) 196 29.3 473 70.7 ≥150,000 234 (21.0) 53 22.6 181 77.4 Number of family members ≤3 232 (20.9) 56 24.1 176 75.9 4.390 0.036 ≥4 878 (79.0) 274 31.2 604 68.8 Religious belief Conflict 6 (0.5) 1 16.7 5 83.3 0.493 0.676 No conflict 1,104 (99.4) 329 29.8 775 70.2 High importance of vaccination Yes 1,071 (96.4) 305 28.5 766 71.5 22.859 <0.001 No 39 (3.5) 25 64.1 14 35.9 High safety of domestic vaccines Yes 1,010 (90.9) 298 29.5 712 70.5 0.271 0.647 No 100 (9.0) 32 32.0 68 68.0 High safety of imported vaccines Yes 559 (50.3) 138 24.7 421 75.3 13.708 <0.001 No 551 (49.6) 192 34.8 359 65.2 High efficacy of domestic vaccines Yes 1,005 (90.5) 289 28.8 716 71.2 4.820 0.028 No 105 (9.4) 41 39.0 64 61.0 High efficacy of imported vaccines Yes 660 (59.4) 163 24.7 497 75.3 19.738 <0.001 No 450 (40.5) 167 37.1 283 62.9 Trust in vaccine-related information provided by doctors or nurses Yes 1,048 (94.4) 301 28.7 747 71.3 9.132 0.003 No 62 (5.5) 29 46.8 33 53.2 Willingness to take children for self-funded vaccinations Yes 940 (84.6) 234 24.9 706 75.1 68.712 <0.001 No 170 (15.3) 96 56.5 74 43.5 Attitudes to the degree of harm to children’s health caused by pneumonia Serious 1,054 (94.9) 300 28.5 754 71.5 19.041 <0.001 General 44 (3.9) 26 59.1 18 40.9 Light 12 (1.0) 4 33.3 8 66.7 Risk of pneumonia in children Serious 601 (54.1) 138 23.0 463 77.0 33.350 <0.001 General 343 (30.8) 119 34.7 224 65.3 Light 166(14.9) 73 44.0 93 56.0 Whether the pneumococcal vaccine is COVID-19 vaccine Yes or unknown 343 (30.9) 137 39.9 206 60.1 24.779 <0.001 No 767 (69.0) 193 25.2 574 74.8 Willingness to vaccinate your child with PCV13 if you pay
your own expensesYes 799 (71.9) 157 19.6 642 80.4 138.702 <0.001 No 311 (28.0) 173 55.6 138 44.4 Whether your children had pneumonia before Yes 26 (2.3) 6 23.1 20 76.9 0.560 0.454 No 1,084 (97.6) 324 29.9 760 70.1 Note: As defined by the World Health Organization, a question will be used in the study to assess participants’ hesitation about pneumococcal vaccine: “Would you be willing to vaccinate pneumococcal vaccine for your child?” The options are Yes, No, and Not Sure. If participants chose either of the latter two options, they were considered to have vaccine hesitancy.
Abbreviation: PCV13=13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; CNY=Chinese Yuan.Table 2. Characteristics of 1,110 participants in the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine hesitancy study in Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.
The statistically significant variables in Table 2 were incorporated into the logistic multi-factor regression model for further analysis. As presented in Table 3, the participants who were not willing to pay for the PCV13 vaccine for their children [OR=3.85, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.81–5.25)], who thought vaccination was not important (OR=3.54, 95% CI: 1.66–7.56), and who were not willing to pay for all self-funded vaccines (OR=1.98, 95% CI: 1.35–2.93) were more likely to be vaccine hesitant.
Independent variables Category β $ {\boldsymbol{S}}_{\bar{{\boldsymbol{x}}}}$ Wald χ2 P OR (95% CI) High importance of vaccination Yes − No 1.265 0.387 10.692 0.001 3.542 (1.660–7.558) High efficacy of imported vaccines Yes − No 0.346 0.149 5.403 0.020 1.413 (1.056–1.892) Willingness to take children for self-funded vaccinations Yes − No 0.685 0.198 11.934 0.001 1.984 (1.345–2.927) Risk of pneumonia in children Serious − General −0.218 0.216 1.025 0.311 0.804 (0.527–1.227) Light −0.679 0.205 10.917 0.001 0.507 (0.339–0.759) Whether the pneumococcal vaccine is COVID-19 vaccine Yes or Unknown − No −0.809 0.154 27.732 <0.001 0.445 (0.329–0.602) Willingness to vaccinate your child with PCV13 if you pay your own expenses Yes − No 1.346 0.159 71.795 <0.001 3.842 (2.814–5.245) “–” means reference category.
Abbreviation: OR=odds ratio; CI=confidence interval.Table 3. Logistic regression analysis of children pneumococcal vaccine hesitancy in Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.
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