As monkeypox virus infection has already been imported and detected in the mainland of China (10) and the COVID-19 prevention and control is still under great pressure, surveillance of symptoms of monkeypox cases in focus populations, medical facilities and regions is an important supplement to the routine surveillance of probable and confirmed monkeypox cases, which is carried out in health care facilities at all levels and of all types across the country (Table 1).
Surveillance scope and coverage Objects or locations of surveillance Contents of surveillance Focus populations International travelers and MSM 1) People coming from abroad are asked to voluntarily declare to the customs at the entry of border
2) People coming from abroad are quarantined at a designated hotel for 7 days after entry
3) People coming from abroad are asked to do a self-monitoring for 14 days after completing the 7-day quarantine at hotel
4) MSM are asked to do a 21-day self-monitoring daily after having any risky sexual activityFocus medical
facilitiesDermatology hospitals, dermatology clinics and STD clinics, including VCT clinics Doctors and nurses monitor whether patients visiting facilities develop monkeypox-like symptoms, and then promptly report to jurisdictional CDC Focus regions Provincial capitals (including municipalities directly under the Central Government) Implement syndromic surveillance in focus medical facilities in provincial capitals or municipalities Across the country Healthcare facilities at all levels and of all types 1) Doctors and nurses monitor whether patients visiting facilities at all levels and of all types meet diagnosis definition of probable and confirmed monkeypox cases, and then promptly report to jurisdictional CDC
2) Both sporadic and cluster cases meeting the definition of monkeypox syndromic surveillance are promptly reportedAbbreviation: MSM=men who have sex with mem; STD=sexually transmitted disease; VCT=HIV voluntary counseling & testing; CDC=center for disease control and prevention. Table 1. Monkeypox surveillance scope, target, object, location and content in the mainland of China, 2022.
The focus populations include international travelers and MSM. First, international travelers are asked to voluntarily declare to the customs at the border entry whether they have any monkeypox-like symptoms or any epidemiological exposure history, such as close contact with someone infected with monkeypox. Second, international travelers are required to have a 7-day quarantine at a designated hotel, in which they will be monitored for monkeypox-like symptoms. Third, international travelers are asked to do self-monitoring for monkeypox-like symptoms for 14 days after they have completed the 7-day quarantine at hotel and to promptly report any possible symptoms to the local CDC.
In addition, given the high proportion of cases involving MSM in the current monkeypox epidemic (16) and the clear role of sexual contact and having multiple sexual partners in the spread of monkeypox (17-18), although no domestic transmission has been detected in the mainland of China at present, from a forward-looking perspective of monkeypox surveillance, in addition to the international travelers, MSM are also included in focus populations in focus regions to improve the sensitivity of surveillance for case detection. MSM are asked to do daily self-monitoring for 21 days after having any risky sexual activity and promptly report possible infection to the local CDC.
Focus medical facilities mainly include dermatology hospitals, dermatology clinics, and sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics, including HIV Voluntary Counseling & Testing (VCT) clinics. As in the monkeypox case series, most persons presented with a rash, and the most common anatomical sites were the anogenital area, the trunk, arms, legs, and the palms or soles (19), these medical facilities are considered the focus for monkeypox surveillance to improve the probability of detection.
Considering the distribution of ports of entry, mobility of people, MSM population size and activity, and China’s efforts in relevant disease prevention and control, all provincial capitals (including municipalities directly under the Central Government) are selected as areas for monkeypox syndromic surveillance in medical facilities.
Focus Populations
Focus Medical Facilities
Focus Regions
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